Saturday Photo Hunt & Camera Critters

Since this week's Saturday Photo Hunter's Theme is Furry, I thought I could just combine two posts in one. In this photo is our Dachshund, or "wiener dog" as we like to call him is taking a nap on the couch. His fur is short, but he has a lot of it. When choosing an indoor animal, I thought a short haired dog was a good choice because of less shedding however Oscar has proved me wrong. His black fur ends up everywhere!!!
33 comments, add yours here:
How cute. Did you know a pop up wanting user pass word comes up when I entered your site?
Too comfy! Ha!
I played too :)
Too cure.
Mine's up too
Aww! Cute and furry!
I hope you get a chance to visit!
Happy weekend!
P.S.The twitter username/password window pops up when I visit, thought you'd want to know.
I did a combo too...Cute puppy
He's so cute and comfy there. And quite modest actually, to curl up his long body so that he doesn't take up too much sofa space. Ours can learn something from him ;-)
Ohhh I think he's tired, he wanted to relax somehow. Very cute
This week's PhotoHunt really lent itself to a double-meme.
Adorable hot dog dog.
Looks nice and comfy.
Mine is up at
Awwww...that is so adorable!
Oscar the weiner dog is furry kyoot! You found out the hard way about short-haired animals... we all shed! In fact, sometimes short-haired shed more!
Best pillow in the house.
My CC is up at
Oscar the Wonder Wiener!
Such relaxation! He looks wonderful. He reminds me of the dachshunds we had when I was a child.
What a cute pup!
Our black dog makes me crazy with his hair EVERYWHERE. For now, vacuuming will just have to stay a daily (sometimes 2x daily) occurance!
Hi Tish! Oscar looks so comfortable. he looks like he is a pillow hog. Does he hog the blankets too?:o)
OMG he is SO adorable!! LOL at his place on the couch!! Too cute!
He is too cute and too comfy!
I love the way he's leaning!
We had a doxie named Rosie. I think they are such lovable pooches! He's so sweet...
Oscar is such a cutie pie!!!!!!!
Such a cutie pie.
Oscar is cute and looks totally relaxed! :)
He looks so cute and comfy! It is amazing how much these little critters can shed all over the place, isn't it?
He's sooooo cute!I love dogs!
He's so cute. What a great shot.
Oscar is soooo cuuuuute! ♥
What a cutie!
cute dog! very comfy...
He looks so peaceful in his sleep.
Oscar looks mighty comfy there, Tisha. Perhaps TOO comfy?
Looks pretty comfy to me ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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