Camera Critters
Yesterday, the kids and I attended a birthday party. We had a great time. My sister and her husband actually hosted a sleep over for a total of 11 children complete with weenie and marshmallow roast. Three girls 8 boys ranging in ages from 4 to 11. They are brave souls but the kids had a wonderful time. They have not stopped talking about it. By today they might be looking for orlando vacation homes to find their sanity. Luckily my sister and her husband recently built a large log home so the kids had lots of room to play and have fun. They also have plenty of room out doors for the many animals they house such as ponies, cows, chickens, rabbits, and this turkey who has a rather serious anger issue. Apparently he doesn't like to be photographed because when I pulled out the camera he got his feathers in a ruffle and began to yell obscenities at me. Well, okay maybe he wasn't yelling obscenities, but he was making some awfully loud gobbling noises directed at me. Thankfully there was a fence between he and I. Next month when it comes time to carve up a turkey, I might be paying him another visit, that little bugger!My mother-in-law made the cake you see pictured. It is a three tiered waterfall cake complete with wild horses and even ducks swimming in the falls She is an amazing talent. She has had no formal training other than the many cakes she's made over the years for weddings and birthdays for family and close friends. We've tried to get her to branch out and go into business for herself, but she refuses. I am proud to have her around because she makes all of the cakes for my children's birthdays. She has full creative controll when it comes to the cakes. We pick out a theme and she just works her magic!
5 comments, add yours here:
i'm sure you had fun on the party, the cake looks yummy. the turkey looks angry on this picture. happy weekend. (",)
Wow, it sounds like a cool place to have a party. I am not a kid but I would like a party there too. The cake is wonderful too, Your mother in law must be very talented cake decorator. Great shot of the turkeys, thanks for sharing your critter.
What an amazing cake! If it tasted half as good as it looked...yummy!
The turkey must know that it's almost turkey-carving-time. So he has got a good reason to be in a foul mood ;-)
I love your angry turkey, maybe he was just having a small moment. Although he does look like he would make a nice meal the end of next month.
That cake is just gorgeous.
Calico Contemplations
I think all turkeys have anger issues. Geez. LOL Great photo!
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