Hope Faith and Charlie - An Inspirational Story
A mother knows when something is not right with her child. Deirdre, a 33 year old marketing agent, wife, and mother of two knew that her six month old son, Charlie was sick and not getting better. After bouts with a five week ear infection, RSV, and stomach bugs, suddenly Charlie became lethargic and seemed to tired and weak to even hold his little head up on his own. At this point, Deirdre knew deep down that something was wrong and she intended to get some answers, no matter what it took.
As she sat in a hospital waiting for her husband, a UPS delivery driver to arrive, a doctor delivered the most dreadful news imaginable. Her baby boy had a massive brain tumor so large in fact that the whole mass could not be seen on the ultra sound machine. Further testing would reveal that Charlie had a rare form of brain and spine cancer. He was given a 20% chance of survival.
Charlie was not aware of the grim prognosis given to his parents. Charlie was a fighter. So much of a fighter, in fact that he had to be tied to his bed not long after brain surgery because he was trying to climb out! Nobody told Charlie that he wasn’t supposed to live because that’s just what he did!
I could not hold back the tears as I read this emotional roller coaster of a book, Hope Faith and Charlie. As a mother of three, I was very sympathetic to the memoirs of this mother as well as the rest of the Capodanno family. As I read their story of the struggle to fight their baby boy’s cancer head on, while trying to maintain some sort of normalcy (is there such thing???) for their then 2 year old son, Jay I did a lot of crying and soul searching. This family fought this disease head on and their courage is more than inspiring!
You see, I carried this book with me to the hospital as I sat with my sister-in-law and her family while her 38 year old sister was having emergency surgery to stop massive bleeding caused by ovarian cancer. She had been diagnosed less than a year ago, took chemo and radiation and was on the road to recovery when she took a turn for the worse. As we prayed at her bedside I was comforted by the fact that little Charlie had survived Stage 4 cancer and he is a living miracle. I explained to the grief stricken family how Charlie had overcame the odds and that she had every reason in the world to fight it head on as Charlie did. She has a loving husband, a beautiful 12 year old daughter, and lots of family and friends who sat hours by her bedside waiting for the news that they had stopped the bleeding.
Miracles occur every day and I believe that the power of prayer is un-stoppable. I believe, as Deidre believes that Charlie has a purpose on this earth. He is not supposed to be alive, but he is! Charlie is a living miracle. Their story is proof that miracles do happen. We should never give up hope, for there is a plan for each and every one of us and we must always fight for our loved ones. Don’t stop believe and never accept just one opinion. Believe in the power of prayer, miracles, and never for one moment doubt that if the “chances of recovery are one in a million” that you can’t be that “one”.
I have been fortunate enough to correspond with the author of Hope, Faith, and Charlie. Deirdre Carey has been through more than any mother should ever experience. She has seen the graciousness of friends, family, and even strangers, witnessed a miracle, and has two beautiful sons that she loves dearly. This book really hit home for me. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I think that I was meant to pass along the word of Charlie’s miracle. Someone, somewhere that will come across this post was meant to find it here. That is why I am proud to be posting it. Hope, Faith and Charlie is available for purchase here. But, Deirdre has been gracious enough to give away to a reader a copy of this inspirational journey of one child’s courageous battle with cancer, his family’s fight to safe his life, and the blessings that happened along the way. All I ask you to do is leave a comment on this post letting us know what miracles have touched your life. It doesn’t have to be such a large miracle, as Deirdre’s but anything that has happened to you, or a loved one that you believe is a true miracle. As with any other give away on my blog, tweeting, posting on your Facebook, your blog, or grabbing my badge to post on your blog will get you extra entries into the contest. You can find out all of the details below.
This contest will end on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at midnight CST. One winner will be chosen randomly. Please make sure that your profile links to a valid e-mail address if you do not leave one in the comment. If you are chosen as the winner, you must respond within 36 hours or an alternate winner will be chosen.
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- Blog about this contest on your blog. Be sure to leave the link in your comment.
- Tweet this: Enter to win a copy of Hope Faith and Charlie: http://www.crazyworkingmom.com/2009/09/hope-faith-and-charlie-inspirational.html Come back and leave a link to your tweet.
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* The statements made in this post reflect my personal opinions and not necessarily that of the sponsoring company. I received this product in return for a review post of my opinion. No other form or compensation has been received by myself nor any other member of my family.
6 comments, add yours here:
I'm not entering your giveaway m'dear I just wanted to say what a truly inspirational story this is, thankyou for sharing. I do believe in miracles. :)
wow, what a inspirational story. I will blog about this post on my blog when I get a moment. Ill also come back when I have time to write my little miracles. thanks for sharing this.
how odd, i thought i was following you already...my bad. sorry.
I definitely believe in miracles and the power of prayer. The miracles often don't belong to the ones we pray for but the ones who are left to tell the story of faith.
hi my name is natisha williams nd i am 14 years old. I think this book is interesting nd i am glad that mother got to see her child live there are alot of parents losing their children so im happy for her.i would love nothing other than to read this book nd if i dont win i would like to know a place i can buy this book.http://twitter.com/GOTTALUVDEMIFAN i have posted this on my twitter
b4 i 4get bcuz i do not have a profile if u do need my email please send me a message on my twitter
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