Manic Monday - Big
Things that are BIG:
* My belly, my butt, my...well, suffice it to say that pretty much everything on my body is big right now with only 3 weeks left 'till baby #3 comes.
* The remodel project that is going on at our home in preparation for said baby #3.
* The kicks, tumbles, pokes, rolls, etc that the baby in my belly is dishing out.
* The nervousness in my little girl as she prepares for her first day of kindergarten August 18th.
* My baby boy who is potty trained as well as sleeping in his own bed all before he turns three on Saturday, August 9!
* The back pain that is causing me much grief as we speak.
* The relief that I have that we got the crib and dresser/changing table bought for the new baby. She will have something to sleep in now, although she may be temporarily displaced in the house since her room used to be a garage. It is quickly progressing, though. I am very proud of hubby!!!
23 comments, add yours here:
And there you are anticipating the big event. I hope everything happens as scheduled and that the whole family has a big welcome for the new addition.
Thanks, Jamie I am really ready for the new baby to arrive (although we still have yet to choose a name for her). It's going to be a BIG month for all of us!
Oohhh, new baby in less than 3 weeks! How exciting!!!
Those are definitely "big" things going on in your life right now, Tish. A BIG congrats is in order. Yay!
Ah, I remember the times well. Pregnancy - as an observer, of course. Although I did have sympathetic symptoms with my two daughters :-)
My wife and I had seven children.
Three weeks!
Your mind must be racing!
Even though I've never been pregnant, I totally understand about the back pain. Sometimes my back hurts so bad I have to walk with a cane.
And I'm only 38. (!!!)
Frenchkys - Yep, VERY big. We're all super excited.
Anthonynorth - Are you kidding me???? SEVEN! WOW!
Janna - Thankfully I don't have back pain outside of being pregnant. Well, I didn't before. Let's hope that continues. It's absolutely miserable to not be able to get any relief! I feel for ya.
hang in there... you're almost there!
big hugs tish!!!
smiles, bee
hey, i see his butt, just like a boy, take a whiz off the porch......
The shot of Tyler is adorable. Three more weeks and then you will feel much better. I so remember the back ache. How sweet of Miss Bee. Have a great day Tisha. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
it would have been great to have had a weblog when my kids were little to record all of these wonderful times like you do!!
Oh I can so relate! I just had baby #3 two weeks ago...and um...I'm STILL big!!!
You supposed to be BIG now, an entire person is under construction! It's a very BIG deal!! ♥
Way to go hubby on getting the garage done! Sounds like you all are very busy right now, but soon you'll be snuggling with your new baby. Looking forward to hearing about all the exciting things to come.
You're nearly ready for the BIG event then? :)
That's a lot of BIG things!
Oh - if someone tells you that your Entrecard isn't showing up in your template, tell them to scroll down.
Your template is set for widescreen, and if people view it on an older square monitor, the right sidebar is down beneath your posts (I figured this out cuz I could see your right sidebar from my laptop but not from work! guess I need a BIGger screen!!!)
Hope you're feeling better and that Brien isn't too sore!
love ya,
Whew. I hope your baby comes easily for you without any BIG issues!
Congratulations on the potty training. That's huge to come right before your new one comes. My son did it when his sister was a month old and it was such a relief - no pun intended.
Not much, anyway.
Plenty of big changes happening for your family!
Happy baby making. Or does that come a few months later? :)
I was thinking you might post a picture of your "big" belly but alas - no belly baby for us to ooh and aah over!
Only three weeks now? Wow! This seems to have gone by fast but probably not to poor you who is suffering through the summer being pregnant. You have my sympathies and my apologies for the ice cream pictures!
So glad your hubby is ok - and what a BIG boy you have! I envy you the time ahead... I know, I'm 45, and I've done it 4 times, and my tubes are snipped, and I've got 6 kids to look after... I STILL want to do it again!
like the sound of the re-model project. hope you took some before pics haha! ... yeah i bet your belly is massive now. hope your sleeping ok!
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