Monday, June 16, 2008

Manic Monday - Will

MM Headquarters ~ Previous MMs

I promise I WILL catch up...
We were out of town for the weekend. The laptop stayed at home and it was a nice time. More details to come about the trip including photos. I came home to an inbox full of e-mail messages and this is SOME of the posts in my reader. I've clicked on a few. I WILL catch up with you all eventually. I did get unpacked, but I did not get the laundry finished up. My sister has Oscar the Weiner dog. We'll get him tomorrow. She said he's been a good boy, but just cries at night. I'm sure that he'll be just as happy to see us as we (well the kids at least) will be to see him! I hope everyone WILL have a great week.

16 comments, add yours here:

Mariposa said...

And we will just all here for you!


Janna said...

I love the name "Oscar the weiner dog."
Is his last name "Mayer"? :)

anthonynorth said...

Hope you're refreshed.

Ivanhoe said...

Wiener dog was my first dog. I got him when I was 12. They are little stubburn, but great fun!

Unknown said...

AH schools out so much to do before our trip to Ocean city thursday!

WILL you come visit my blog please?

Barb said...

I just left Trav's. Similar post, so many reads in your reader. I don't do readers or subscriptions. Too much pressure!

maryt/theteach said...

Tish, lots of people have the same problem and we can't figure out how to solve the problem...but in truth we all want to keep in touch with each other our blogging friends!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

relax honey! deep breath. there, now that's better.

smiles, bee

Durward Discussion said...

Those numbers can be truly scary until you go down the list checking and deleting the "SPAM". Have fun with the puppy.

Desert Songbird said...

Scary! I get freaked out when my Reader gets above 100.

Sandee said...

Yep, I know that feeling. We have a long boating weekend coming up and mine will look like that too. I know you will get caught up, but you might just want to hit the "mark all as read" button. Sure takes the stress off. Have a great MM Tisha. :)

Travis Cody said...

Welcome home!

Maria's Space said...

Love your use of Will.

Amazing Gracie said...

I feel so lame and stupid because I can't figure out the RSS stuff. Several people have told me that my RSS thing isn't working but I can't figure it all out. I wish I was about 20 years younger and had my mind back....

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

No need to promise anything. We all go through some moments of hassles in our lives. Just pick up where you left off. Everybody understand your situation. God bless.

Unknown said...

Happy MM! I hope you catch up. I never seem to be able to get there...

I used my MM entry this week to honor one of America's greatest poets, Langston Hughes. I hope that your blog readers will check out my MM post if they have time or inclination.

peace, Villager