My 51st
This Week's Theme: Twist
I have these cute "twisted" wind catchers hanging on my front porch. I love the colors and they look very cool when the wind blows and they spin around. It's very relaxing to watch. Since it was very windy out today, it was hard to get a clear shot of them but nice to watch.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Saturday Photo Hunt - Twist
31 comments, add yours here:
Your "twist" discovery was very clever. Great job!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
I thought of those for this week but didn't have one to photograph!
I used to have some of those on my front porch but they weren't anywhere near as pretty as yours - they were more pastel colored than bright.
I hadn't seen those until one other photo hunter's picture tonight. What fun!
Great choice, I think they are so colorful but every one we have had has broken or blown away on me. My PH is posted.
I like how you did your photos for the week. Very creative.
Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments.
Have a great weekend.
Lovely and relaxing! Have a 'twisted' weekend!
I have one too....
I'm twisted this week also...come by for a visit, won't you?
You've really done 51 Photo Hunters??? Dude! very cool. :)
My son loves those plastic twisty things. We visited a big wire bug for our picture this week!
My twisted photos are outdoors, too... my jasmine plants! Come by to visit! :-)
Tisha, I've never seen those windcatchers before. They look great! I love the way your design. Come to my blog I have an award for you! :D
yes they are relaxing as they hypnotize one with their movements. I like watching their movements too.
Great idea! I love how this hunt opens our eyes to the theme all around us :)
I love those twisted wind catchers!
A lovely twist, or two, and we got to see the view from your front porch, a bonus.
I can hear them chiming in a breeze, nice view from you porch.
they are indeed wonderful to look it! :)
great presentation!
happy weekend! :)
Those are lovely. Great take on the theme.
They beautiful to watch when they swirl and twist in the wind :)
Happy Weekend!
Those are perfect for the theme! :)
Great take on the theme.
Great choice! Have a wonderful weekend
We have those too... we all find them so fascinating.
I agree. It is relaxing to watch these in the wind. I like wind chimes, too. Hope you are having a great weekend, Tish.
Those are nice tiwsts. I have some of those.
Hi Tisha. I've seen a lot of those but it's only now that I've learned what they are called. So they are wind catchers. I learned something new today. Thanks. :)
Nice twisty picture -- and a good idea for today's theme!
i bought several of these for mom's porch and hung them up. she loves them.
i bought several of these for mom's porch and hung them up. she loves them.
My parents got several of them on their porch. I thought about posting a photo first, but I got none =(
However, I like your wind catchers more, b/c they come in my favorite colors... but *sssssh* don´t tell my mom. *GGG*
Cool shots Tish! :D
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