Monday, April 21, 2008

Manic Monday - Quake

MM Headquarters ~ Previous MMs
Thankfully I've never been in an Earth Quake myself, but I have seen the effects of such terrible events and I am thankful that even though I live on the New Madrid Fault that we've not had any serious quakes in my life time. I think that Mother Nature punishes us enough with tornadoes! We don't need Quakes on top of those!Hope you all have an Earth Quake free Manic Monday!

16 comments, add yours here:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy manic monday honey!

smiles, bee

Gene Bach said...

Been through a lot of quakes here...kind of used to them now. Don't want ANYTHING to do with tornados!

anthonynorth said...

Terrible damage they cause - in all ways.

Ingrid said...

I must live in a lucky place ! we don't have tornados or earthquakes but a lot of rain, lol !

Sarge Charlie said...

they did manage to quiver again for Manic Monday

maryt/theteach said...

Tisha, I am lucky I live in a place where we haven't had any earthquakes either. But we can get hit by hurricanes... I live on the coast in New York. :D

Sandee said...

We have very mild weather here, but earthquakes are just part of living in California. They are indeed very scary. I would still rather have an earthquake than a tornado though. It's a much smaller amount of time to be scared half to death. Have a great MM sweetie. :)

CastoCreations said...

It's funny...I think people who live in earthquake areas are more afraid of tornadoes. And people who live in tornado areas are more afraid of earthquakes. :) Tornadoes scare the jeebers out of me!

Akelamalu said...

Thankfully quakes here a teeny weenie ones, I slept through the last one!

Anonymous said...

Earthquakes can wreak havoc. The top photo, I believe, is of the Sylmar earthquake. That overpass went down twice. First in the Sylmar earthquake in 1971 and the second time during the Northridge earthquake in 1994. During the 1994 earthquake, a CHP officer was killed as this section of the freeway collapsed.

Travis Cody said...

Earthquakes can be scary. It's all about knowledge and not panicking.

Barb said...

I lived in Florida for 32 years, where Hurricanes are common. At least the meteorologists gave us plenty of time to get the heck out of their way! I moved to Georgia 2 years ago, partly because of the recent frequency of hurricanes. I can't imagine living in an earthquake region. No, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful every time we hear about hurricanes or quakes on the news that we live here, where we don't get either. Not in a big way.
I know that even with those scares, I'd have a hard time moving away from my home. So when people say:why do they keep living there??, I know why, and my heart goes out to them...

Mo and The Purries said...

I think it all must even out somehow... tornadoes for us, quakes for them... sometimes getting the overlap is what's freaky!

Anonymous said...

I've never been in a big quake either, though we've felt tiny quakes here that were just the 'edge' of a bigger one elsewhere, lol. I've also never experienced a tornado. I think I'm quite okay with missing out on those kind of experiences. :o)

Anonymous said...

Whoof!! Have a nice day, free of Natural Disasters of all kinds, haha