Thursday Thirteen
1. My doctor's appointment went well today. The baby is growing fine and the heartbeat is strong. No matter how many times you hear it, that is one of the greatest sounds to hear at this stage in the pregnancy since there's minimal movement being felt.
2. I got tickets to see Disney's High School Musical The Ice Tour for Shelby (my five year old daughter) and myself to have a girl's day out next month! She's really excited. I got great seats right on the edge of the ice. (I'm really excited too!)
3. Today the temperatures were in the 70s. It snowed here (in Arkansas) less than a week ago. CRAZY!
4. It's really hard to make your child sleep in their own bed when they cry that they are scared and "just want you to rock them".
5. Puppy dogs really like to chew up things...and they love to make messes. Scroll down a post or two for more details.
6. We still haven't filed our taxes. I am NOT looking forward to it either.
7. Yes, we have "people" and a great accountant THANK GOD!
8. I really am addicted to Big Brother 9. Anyone wanna dish?! Last night's show was amazing. I can't wait to see who wins HOH and how things will play out.
9. It is normal during pregnancy to experience some dizziness and be light headed followed by "the shakes". The reason, simply because the "baby" is feeding all of the time whether or not the mommy is. So, I have to be more aware of how often I eat to prevent this from happening.
10. I really hate doing laundry. Any volunteers?!
11. I really think that I need a nanny or possibly a maid.
12. There just aren't enough hours in the day are there? I really need more time to be able to get tasks completed.
13. Daffodils really can withstand some harsh conditions. I have lots of pretty ones out in my yard that were covered in snow on Friday!
21 comments, add yours here:
Wow, enjoy the warm weather! I cannot wait for spring break, I'm heading somewhere warmer ;) I'm a former nanny, too bad I don't live closer to you-- hehe. Awesome TT, thanks for visiting!
that sounds like a sugar problem honey, gestational diabetes is possible, have you been checked. my daughter had it. she was asleep at work one day and her boss was tiptoeing around not to wake her up but she was actually in a diabetic coma. all turned out good, the baby is 13 now, but be careful, ok?
smiles, bee
I would love a maid I used to have a cleaning lady come every 2weeks and that was just enough
Like empress bee, I think you should take things lightly. Don't work yourself too much. Get some rest because you'll need it when the baby comes.
Ugh, taxes. We haven't done ours either! You sound like you've got a lot on your plate.
13 Hearts
I remember the "good ol' daze," when I got up at 5:00, drove an hour in each direction to take my kids to a sitter (my cuz); got home around 7:00 p.m. If I had to do all I did back then, just wouldn't get done!
Like Bee said - watch out for you...
Glad things are going well you and the new one. I never file until April 15th. Deadlines are to be met, not exceeded. Cheers!!
Your #3 is right on!!! Crazy weather for sure. Last week, here it was in the 30's today it's forecasted to come near 90 degrees.
Click Here for My 13 Women In History celebrating National Women's Hisotry Month I'd love to have your drop by!!!
It has been a tough WINTER!! Yeah spring break!
It sounds like you have alot on your plate my friend. You really need to stop the young one from sleeping with you. They dont outgrow it, they need to be taught. My sister has a 5 & 6 year old that still do it nightly. They start out in theire own bed, and eventually, my sister ends up on the couch because the bed is too full. You will have your hands full with the baby so Id act now. No, sorry, I hate doing my own laundry but a Nanny/Maid sounds awesome. Happy TT!!Im so glad the baby is doing good:)
good to see the weather is crazy all over and you are not alone, we are dreading the trip to the accountant
#8 reminded me that I missed the show last night! I just read the recap, and I so hope that James or Chelsia wins HoH...
Hi! Enjoyed your TT. Take care of YOU!
I'm glad everything's going well with the baby - and yay for hearing the heartbeat! That's one sound I never get tired of hearing...
In the 70's?! Wow, am I jealous... :)
Miss Boo Bear would love to see High School Musical on Ice, enjoy that. I remember when my mom took me to see the Ice Capades when I was little very special time for us.
I hate laundry too, and cleaning the bathroom.
Lovely TT and happy to hear baby and mom are doing well.
Mama Bear Hugs,
I'll take some warm weather, for sure. And there is NOTHING wrong with a nanny, or a mother's helper - GO for it!
Happy TT! xoxo
Me, me! I'm watching Big Brother. Last night was pretty crazy! I read online who won HoH. :X
As the father of 7 kids, I sympathize.
We haven't dome out taxes yet either. We have "people" too -- H & R Block!
Chilly and rainy here today.
I remember the first time I went to Disney on Ice. I'm told that I sat quietly, never moved, and never spoke during the entire show. My aunt thought I hated it, but I didn't.
I loved it! See...if I'm really enjoying something, you'll find me quiet and still. It's my "engrossed" pose. LOL!
D and I are taking our kids to see HSM on Ice, too! Should be fun!
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