Thursday Thirteen
1. We can cry and get off speeding fines.
2. Free drinks, free dinners.
3. New lipstick gives us a whole new lease on life.
4. If we're not making enough money we can blame the glass ceiling.
5. No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival The Speedo.
6. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
7. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.
8. We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.
9. We know which glass was ours by the lipstick mark.
10. A woman can never be blamed if it's wet on the floor around the toilet bowl.
11. For women, a new season means a whole new wardrobe.
12. Women know exactly what buttons to push to get exactly what they want.
13. A woman's friend won't try to persuade her to get a tattoo while she's drunk.
40 comments, add yours here:
You came up with some fun ones. have a great thursday!!
Isn't it nice to be a woman? :)
I don't know what I'd do without my lipstick! A new color for every day would be nice but I don't know if there are that many colors of lipstick in the world! :-) Happy TT
No. 5 made my night. Thanks!
Yep...still laughing. You have some very great points there. I have some down falls to being a woman also but we are going to look on the bright side tonight:) Happy TT my friend. Thanks for stopping by.
Uhoh... following your list, I'm obviously not a woman. Re #13, I have a few friends who would try to trick me into getting a tattoo if I were silly enough to get drunk.
Happy TT.
Not so sure about the tattoo part! tee hee. I don't have one, though, but I think my oldest daughter would be susceptible to that influence. These are really so true!
Haha number 13 is so wrong!
Don't be so sure about #1. When I was a police officer I had several women try the old crying routine to get out of tickets but it never ever worked with me. As for #13, I have seen many women with tattoos that no sober person would ever want!
these are awesome! funny list.
I have to concur with them all.
Happy T13!
I don't know if chocolate can solve all my problems today, but I sure would like to try it anyway.
hehe, I have to contend with #13 as well.. I love my tattoos so much I'll bug people to get one drunk OR sober! :D
Sounds like we've got similar things on our minds this week.
Maybe I'll run an experiment and see if chocolate really WILL solve all my problems. It just might...
Ha! Girls rock!!
Funny list, thanks for sharing!
Happy Thursday, please visit my TT: Spring has sprung over at my blog.
&hearts Sonny
Ha...Funny Sign. Cheers!!
yep, what matt-man said
Great list! :)
Love the sign - and your list!
WE ROCK! ;-)
Happy TT!
Awesome theme for this week. Love it....and you know as women it is fun to rely on our feminine ways.
number eight is SO true!!!!!
smiles, bee
*LOL* #6 is my favorite!
Happy TT, Miss Tisha!
Exactly. As it should be too. I love them all. It's great to be female. Have a wonderful TT Tisha. :)
I don't wear lipstick but #6, #7, and #10 are funny!
Thanks for visiting my TT-13!
Totally love the list. There are definitely some great advantages to being a woman.
oh it is grand to be a woman. :) Happy TTing!
Great list! Funny, laugh out loud fun!!
Great list! I LOVE being a woman!!
Yeah, but we can make imaginary shapes in the toilet when we pee...
Oh, that's just me? *Blush*
Oh, yeah, I love being a woman!! Great list!! Happy t-13!
This is such a great list!!
Hahahaha!!!Thats right!!!!
Hm, did I learn something about women here? LOL.
Great TT
O yeah, I love to be a woman!
Thanks for visiting my inspiring people TT.
Great TT post, Tish! Ain't it great to be a woman...? :D
Hi, #7 for me. CHOCOLATE! Have a great day!
Great 13! Loved it. :)
LOL on #5. You got that right!!!
Guys can do #1, but the consequence is probably a couple nights in a straight jacket.
Great list! I love #6 and #7, but especially #12 - so true! LOL :)
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