Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Patriot

Saturday afternoon...home alone. I've been sick, I'm pregnant. I'm watching The Patriot. I can't stop crying! Heath Ledger is dead. The movie is so sad. Pregnancy hormones are kicking in...someone please get me some fried pickles. I have ranch dressing to dip them in. Thank you!

14 comments, add yours here:

Jackie said...

Poor Tish! You sound pregnant! :) :)

Poor Heath Ledger... so very sad.

My biggest cravings while pregnant were creamed soups (to this day I still love 'em!) and Big Macs!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww honey, i am so sorry...

smiles, bee

Linda said...

Ok, I'm not pregnant and haven't been in years but The Patriot always makes me cry and I'm sure that it would be even worse now with Heath Ledger being really dead and all.

Hang in there and I hope you get your fried pickles (bleck!)

Travis Cody said...

Ledger really was a terrific actor. We watched A Knight's Tale again last weekend.

Hang in there with the hormones and the cravings!

Unknown said...

Hey sweets...

...Cheer up ♥ I´ll share my fried pickles with you!

Let´s meet at a toilet somewhere near thereafter!


Akelamalu said...

Aw Tish hormones suck! Fried pickles? Would you settle for some chocolate? :)

Sandee said...

What Sanni said is adorable. Yep, I so remember. I wish I was closer and you could just call and I could run over with some fried pickles and chocolate covered strawberries. Have a great evening. :)

RW said...

Hope you feel better soon Tish!

Heart of Rachel said...

Hope you're feeling much better now. Take care.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Fried pickles and ranch dressing,but dont worry I cry with that movie too!

maryt/theteach said...

Oh Tish, why did you put that movie on? I can't watch any Heath Ledger movies now... I don't know if I ever will. :(

girlymom said...

Oh you poor want fried pickles~ Ew!

I am so sad that Heath isn't here anymore, he was an all time favorite of mine.

Hope you feel better soon!

Maria's Space said...

I am sure pregnancy hormones have something to do with it but it really IS sad that he is no longer with us.

I love love love pickles but I have never had a fried one. Are they worth me trying?

SimplyGigi said...

I'm not pregnant and I can't watch any of his movies w/out crying! My all time fave movie is 10 Things I Hate About You and I've been in love w/ him since then. And yes, I'm crying now too!