Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Photo Hunt

My 42nd
This Week's Theme: Tiny
SPH Headquarters ~ The Other 41

One tiny little guy with a tiny little singing reindeer.
He loves this thing!! (Yup, he broke it)
Merry Christmas y'all.

29 comments, add yours here:

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I hope santa will drop a new singing reindeer into his X'mas sock this year :) Merry X'mas!!

Siani said...

What a cute pic! I bet he was in tears when he broke it. Thanks for the visit. Have a lovely weekend!

PowersTwinB said...

Oh thats so sad, its broken...did it sing "Grandma got run over by a reindeer"? I would have broken that toy if it did! lol..Cute little boy! Thanks for visiting my hunt tonight! I always appreciate your visits

Melli said...

Tooooooo cute! They don't make those things to last!

jmb said...

He loved that small thing to death. Lovely photo for the theme. Have a great weekend.

ipanema said...

that is very cute! nice subject!

happy weekend! :)

Ingrid said...

That's a cute reindeer !

CRIZ LAI said...

Cool...can I have that reindeer for X'mas?? Hehe.. Merry X'mas :)

Corey~living and loving said...

awwwwwww how sad....he just loved it too much I guess! Great entry!
Happy weekend!

Janna said...

If you look really closely at the reindeer's eyes, it's looking off to the side, pleading for help.
"Someone? Anyone? Little help here? This crazy kid is about to BREAK me!! For the love of god, help!!"
.... and those were his last words.

Sad. :)

jams o donnell said...

The little guy and his reindeer look so cute. It may be broken but I bet he still loves it. Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Bet he was heartbroken when it broke, but it probably still sang. I wish they would make things to last much longer. Have a good weekend.

Lynn said...

Uh-oh, it's broken. It's good while it lasted but I bet, knowing kids, even if something's broken, they still love it to bits.

Hootin Anni said...

But, looking at the whole concept of this photo I can't help but say...

What a cute kid!!!

maryt/theteach said...

A tiny cutie...sorry he broke the reindeer, :(


He is adorable.

Sarge Charlie said...

you have to break it so you can learn how it works, nice entry

Head Gaggler said...

Awww, very cute. Both of them. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you have the CUTEST kids!

smiles, bee

Heart of Rachel said...

A singing reindeer ... now that's cool. Such a cute photo of Tyler so happy.

Mo and The Purries said...

your kids are so photogenic!
what a face!

Natalie said...

What a fun picture!

My Photo Hunt is up too! :)

Unknown said...

too cute! Love the expression.

Cynthia said...

I think my little ones would go for that! Cute!

Anonymous said...

That must be fun listening to him sing.

My blog: Just Say These Words

Patricia said... sorry it is broken. Hope it could be fixed. What did it sing? We have a reindeer that sings Jingle Bell Rock. Love it!! Tish, thanks so much for stopping by to comment on Pollywog Creek. You are always so sweet. Hope your weekend is perfectly delightful.

kljs said...

Cute! Nice cute shot!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable pic!

Neila said...

A singing reindeer, huh? Are you sure YOU didn't break it? Hmmmm . . .