Sunday, December 02, 2007

Conversations With Shelby

This conversation takes place in the truck on her way to school.

Shelby: "Mom I don't want to go to school today."

Me: "Why?"

Shelby: "Because they make me take a nap. When I take a nap, my hair will get messed up and I will stink."

Me: "Well, you can re do your hair when you wake up. Why will you stink?"

"I can't do my hair because I DON'T have a brush at school. I will stink because my breath always stinks when I wake up!"

...THIS coming from a FIVE year old, people!!! Want to read more conversations?

10 comments, add yours here:

Desert Songbird said...

An incredible brain inside that cute little head. Amazing!

Janna said...

I wish I could go someplace where they would make me take a nap...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i want a nap!!! ha ha

5 is my favorite age. they are so cute!!! what a princess. i just love her!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

I find nothing wrong with this. Sounds right to me. Bwahahahahah. :)

Twisted Cinderella said...

LOL that is too funny!!

Maggie Moo said...

5 is my favorite age too. Can't we make 'em stop Tisha?

Travis Cody said...

Aren't you looking forward to the pre-teen and teen years?

Heart of Rachel said...

It's amusing how Shelby can be so concerned of such things at her young age. Kids are really growing up fast these days.

Anonymous said...

That is really funny! I wish I could take a nap in the middle of the day. I would deal with the bad breath for that.

Mason and Terri's Mom said...

THAT is so funny! I can hear Mason say that~! She is sooo pretty! WAIT she's in school? or preschool?