Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #42

Archived TTs ~ TT Headquarters

My 13 Favorite Halloween Treats

1. Candy Corn
2. Rice Krispy Treats
3. Pop Corn Balls
4. Snickers Minis
5. Caramel Apples
6. Eyeball Gumballs
7. Peanut MMs
8. Reeses Pieces
9. Sugar Babies & Sugar Daddies
10. Tootsie Rolls
11. Sour Patch Kids
12. Hershey Kisses
13. 100 Grand

What's Yours???!!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday Thirteen Participants
1. ellen b
2. Journeywoman
3. Lori
4. Gattina
5. Sandier Pastures
6. edj
7. Dallas Meow
8. katherine.
9. JaniceNW
10. Working at Home Mom
11. maggie
12. Hootin\' Anni
13. MamaLee
14. MamaArcher
15. Believer in Balance
16. Stella
17. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls
18. michelle
19. Matt-Man
20. Yen
21. Cecily
22. AreWeThereyetmom
23. Titania
24. Michelle
25. marcia v.
26. It\'s A Blog Eat Blog World
27. Comedy Plus
28. Kai
29. Thea @ I\'m a Drama Mama
30. Travis
31. Blog That Mommy!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here

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34 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Yum caramel apples! Must have one...

Anonymous said...

I too love the carmel apples.

Lori said...

Oh man....I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO craving a 100 grand candy bar right now. Didnt they use to be called 100,000 dollar bars?? I know its the same thing but I remember it being called something different. Do yuu remember Marathon bars?? Maybe you're too young but they were yummy. I wonder what I can find here???? lol...Happy TT.

Ingrid said...

I love the eyeballs, lol ! they look disgusting !

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

LOVE Sugar Babies. Need a Sugar Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Oh man my teeth hurt after reading your list! And with pictures and all!

I love dark dark chocolate...anytime ;)

Dallas Meow said...



Oooh I love peanut MMs too. And I do love Almond kisses.
Thanks for the visit.

katherine. said...

I am gonna make caramel apples....soon...

Anonymous said...

I could eat candy corn till I made myself sick.

Hootin Anni said...

*drooling here*

I love Rice Krispie Treats....and I make a double batch for Christmas...never thought of having them for Halloween....DANG!!!

*where's my car keys?*

Happy T T-ing

Anonymous said...

Yummy...even though it's only 8:30am in the morning, I'm crazing sweets now! Fun TT...and I've also added you to my blog list!!

Anonymous said...


the Peanut M&Ms are good, but the new peanut butter m&ms are JUST sinful.

Happy TT, young lady! xoxo

Believer in Balance said...

Yummy list! I never plug my own posts when I comment, but I thought you might be interested in the Rice Krispie Pumpkin Treats and Halloween caramel apples I wrote about at my Seasonal Kids Activities blog at
Look under Halloween posts.

Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

mmmmm I love candy corn! Even candy corn on top of rice crispies treats!
Darn you Weight Watchers!!!

Deb said...

Ooh, candy corn! And tootsie rolls, and rice krispie treats and peanut M&Ms and Hershey Kisses.... Darn this sweet tooth anyway! Great list... :)

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Yum!! I'm with Maggie, I could eat candy corn till my tummy hurts...and LOVE pretty much everything on your list!

Schmoop said...

How I miss eating a caramel apple. Unfortunately my teeth dont concur. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Ok..this makes me want to eat some chocolates now! LOL YUMMO!

Mine is up here;
Thursday Thirteen!
Happy TT!

Cecily R said...

ME TOO! All of them!

Anonymous said...

Hershey Kisses, Rice Krispie Treats, and Reeses Pieces OH MY!!

Thanks for the virtual Treats!!

My TT, will be up shortly!

Mike Minzes said...

Your Halloween candy list is sooooo good! I'm coning by your house on the 31st!

Tawnya Shields said...

I love this list. Hard for me to choose.I would say Snickers is #1 with me. Hey, did you ever make vampire fangs out of your candy corn? LOL? I did it to my hubby the other day and he lost it. That was too funny. Halloween always brings out the kid in me.

Scribbit said...

100,000 bars were my favorites, then my dark brought me over to the dark side and now I can't get enough dark chocolate.

Maggie Moo said...

C'mon-do you REALLY like candy corn? Really?

(I'll keep your secret if it's no)


I LOVE popcorn balls...haven't had one in years always says "Halloween"

Joyismygoal said...

Oh yeah Candy corn and the pumpkins are my favorite!!! but all those things are making me want to go trickor treating D you think I am too old?:>

Mo and The Purries said...

I agree except for #9 & #10
(I will replace them with Mr. Goodbar and Hershey's Special Dark from the bag of Hershey's Miniatures, okay???)

Mine is 13 mo jannagraphics this week, for some giggles, at
It’s A Blog Eat Blog World

Sandee said...

Hershey's Special Dark is my favorite with Reeses Peanut Butter cups in second. Have a wonderful TT. :)

Anonymous said...

I go for any of the mini chocolate bars... doesn't matter which kind! :-)

Or the little caramels.... yummy!

Christine and FAZ said...

Drooling on the keyboard. FAZ

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

I was starting to hyperventilate a little bit because I didn't see any peanut butter related items...

i can't make it through halloween without a Reese's Pumpkin!

Travis Cody said...

Let's have some now!

Neila said...

That is a damn good Thursday 13. Damn good!

Peanut M&M's are my weakness! I have eaten a one pound bag of those in one sitting . . .err . . I mean COULD eat . . . I COULD eat a one pound bag in one sitting. err. umm. yeah.

Desert Songbird said...

I would agree with you on all but the eyeball gumballs. Ew.