Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Photo Hunt: Smelly

This Week's Theme: Smelly
Wanna See More? ~ Visit TNChick

These are the flowers that I got from my wonderful husband on our nine year wedding anniversary last month! They were very beautiful flowers and the smell was so glorious. They are now hanging upside down to dry out so that I can put them back into the bud vase later on and keep them forever! Thank you, baby. I love you so much. Nine years and I still love him just as much as I did the day I smelled my wedding bouquet!

Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt Participants
1. The Rocky Mountain Retreat
2. Nap Warden
3. Amanda
4. Rach (Heart of Rachel)
5. ipanema
6. Lynn
7. And Miles To Go...
8. bonggamom
9. GHD
10. jhoaniquing
11. AniqueAnik
12. SnoopyTheGoon
13. Dragonheart
14. eastcoastlife
15. Andrée
16. Shelby
17. empress bee (of the high sea)
18. Cindy
19. jams o donnell
20. carver
21. marcia v.
22. Criz Lai
23. Gattina
24. PowersTwinB
25. captain lifecruiser
26. rach
27. Grace
28. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

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32 comments, add yours here:

Michele said...

Those are beautiful roses and I just love the sweet smell of them. They are wonderful. Great post for the theme!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Cynthia said...

I love the smell of fresh roses...Great post for smelly!

Anonymous said...

great picture. mind is very similar to yours!

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are beautiful roses. I love this photo. It's nice when you capture happy moments like this one.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm I love the smell of roses!! How very sweet. Congratulations on your 9th anniversary, too. :D

kari and kijsa said...

Another fabulous photo ( and fabulous hubby!! Lovely!
kari & kijsa

ipanema said...

such a lovely post! happy weekend! :)

Lynn said...

Well that is so sweet of your husband. And this post is as sweet as the flower you are smelling.

Anonymous said...

what a great guy!! I love roses and eucalyptus together!! Have a great weekend.

bonggamom said...

Belated congratulations on 9 happy years!

GHD said...

Very Lovely! Great photo for the week's theme.

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

love those good smelly flowers..nice entry..mine is up too.

Anonymous said...

they are both lovely..nice entry..happy hunting!mine is up as well..would you taste this?

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

That is a very nice post to read... Happy Anniversary.

By the way, I've moved blogs. My new URL is on my old blog.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Beautiful flowers! :) What a wonderful bouquet of roses from your husband. :) They certainly do smell lovely. :)

My smelly photo.

eastcoastlife said...

Congrats on your 9th anniversary! I love the smell of fresh roses. I love red roses.

Andree said...

That's so romantic, and he has great taste in flowers. One thing: I guess you don't have cats that eat dried flowers! (I can't even have live flowers in the house because they are ravaged!)

Shelby said...

oh that is a gorgeous photo of you and your flowers from your husband - and a gorgeous post of your love.. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh how sweet honey!!!

smiles, bee

Cindy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I hope you will always stay so happy. Good take on the theme!

jams o donnell said...

What a lovely pic. Happy weekend

Carver said...

That's a great picture and perfect for the pleasurable side of smelly. Happy anniversary!

Joyismygoal said...

very lovely you know i think I can smell all these scents through my computer :silly me:>

CRIZ LAI said...

Nice roses. I don't mind that smell too :)

Ingrid said...

They are certainly beautiful but I am sure they are not "smelly" lol !

PowersTwinB said...

Theres nothing else that can compare with the smell of flowers, especially those given on a happy ocassion! My photo is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

Awwww.... How nice to read about something so full of love and lovely smells instead of all the bad smells.... *giggles*

karoline in the morning said...



Rach said...

great picture, i love roses! :-)

Mommy Lutchi said...

pretty flowers and they smell good too, is that silver dollar leaves ?Mine is up at My two Cents Worth and
The 4 Seasons Of My Life I hope you can visit me too.

Anonymous said... a good way!

Patricia said...

Roses and eucalyptus - very delightful smell. Thanks for stopping by to comment on my smelly photos, Tish! Have a great week!