Random thoughts...
I was just thinking that by next time this week, I'll be getting packed and ready to go. I'm heading up to Maryland to see my B/F/F Becca! I can't wait. This will be Shelby's first trip on an air plane. She's really excited about it. I think that she is going to go to the deer woods with her daddy this weekend. She's pretty stoked about that as well. Tyler is going horseback riding with his papaw. So, guess what this means, folks?! Hmmm...I'm thinking pedicure, manicure?! What should a CrAzY Working Mom do to relax after a hard week and before a week's worth of vacation?!
I need to get Bec a house warming gift as well...still no ideas. Maybe I'll take her shopping while I'm there? Oh, I just can't wait!!!

2 comments, add yours here:
yes...a mani/pedi would be nice and relaxing!
I'm super-duper excited too! That's nice that you'll start your vacation with a little alone time to spoil yourself. Live it up, girlfriend! I suggest mani and pedi....and then a NAP!
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