My 15th Thursday Thirteen
1. Her blankets that she just cannot seem to give up. She strokes it while she drinks her milk in the morning and at bedtime.
2. Princess attire: Shoes, crowns, jewels, magic wands, dresses, etc. She had a long night at the ball and didn't feel like putting them back in the chest!
3. Cooking "stuff": for her Dora kitchen and the stuff
4. Shoes: this girl's got more shoes than she has places to put them. She loves to wear shoes. I love to buy them. We neither one like to put them aways!
5. Weebles: ya know the ones that wobble, but they won't fall down. She got this nifty treehouse last year for her birthday for them to play in and they seem to scatter far away from it.
6. Crayons: because she loves to color and write her name, but then she just leaves them where they fall.
7. Books: she LOVES to read. Well, she can't really read but she loves to pretend she's reading to "her class" when she's the teacher and she's all of the time bringing us books to read to her right when we're in the middle of a television program.
8. Sippie Cup: she's in bed now and she has a cup of milk every night when she goes to bed. The throws the cup in the floor and it lays there 'till morning.
9. Bath Towel: I got her dressed after her bath in her room and I guess I figured what's a bath towel going to hurt among the rest of this chaotic mess!
10. Karaoke Machine Microphone: Both of my children love to sing. They get those mics when American Idol is on and sing along. There are a few that I think they can outsing. Is there a minimum age limit on the show?
11. Baby Dolls: Since she's a little girl, she naturally has her fair share of them.
12. Doodle Bear: She got several of them for Christmas. They came with nifty markers (that have been used on the carpet, walls, and doors by her little brother) that you use to draw on the bear. Then mom throws the little guy in the washer and he comes out clean and the cycle starts all over again!
13. Dora matching game: This came from some friends of ours that don't have children. I think that there are around 50 cards that you have to match up. The trouble is that those 50 cards do not stay close to one another once they are out of the box. In fact, I think I stepped on one in the bathroom earlier!
Thursday Thirteen please don't forget to sign Mr Linky!
18 comments, add yours here:
Your 4 year old daughter's room is as messy as our 20 mos old's chicken is . . . very sweet post. I'm a busy working mom too. What can you do - but laugh and enjoy life!
wow!!! this must be a fun room!!! great list for this week!
I love it.
Sounds like a great place to spend a day playing!!
My daughter still has a blanket (or, what is left of it) and she is eleven. If you tell her I told you that, I will deny it; she would KILL me.
Now that was a sweet post. I love it. Makes me want a little girl again.
What a great list!
I've never heard of a Doodle Bear but it sounds cool - like something I would've had as a kid.
Lots of the stuff sounds like stuff I would have had - I was and still am and avid reader, and I credit my mom for instilling the love of the written word into me. Kudos to you for doing the same to your daughter!
My daughter is VERY messy! I'd go over 13 trying to list hers ;)
LOL sounds almost like my sons room with the exception of the Dora Kitchen and the Princess attire.
Funny list!
I can totally relate to your post. Our daughter is four and it sure sounds familiar and similar.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š
Yep.. that sounds about right :)
fun stuff! my baby girl will be 1 next month! i can't wait to buy her all those fun things!!!
May I invite myself to play a few days in your daughter´s room? Especially after I saw "weebles" - I had to google them because I didn´t know them (I don´t even know the German term *LOL*) but seeing them was a pretty cool trip down memory lane! Their faces have changed, but I bet they still straighten up like they did years ago =)
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My dd usually has more stuff than floor space. I just cleaned it up today. We'll see how long it lasts!
Sweet list! Lucky little girl...
Thanks for dropping by!
My Mum said I reminded her of a weeble when I was little. I was a chunky baby. LOL
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