Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I did it!

I did it. I finally made that conscious effort toward a healthier lifestyle!!
I joined Curves!! : )
I went by there yesterday just to check it out and see what it was like and find out their rates and such. Well, it was such a cool place and the environment was so inviting that I joined.
I am so glad!! I am really excited about my first workout today. : )

A funny story:
Today, a customer came in my showroom and we got to talking (after I noticed her Curves shirt) and I asked her if she was a member. She said, well yes. I am also the owner!! She ownes the one here in my town. I thought that was pretty neat that I met the owner the day after I signed up...maybe it was meant to be! : )

So, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't bomb out and I keep up this healthy regimen.

1 comments, add yours here:

David said...

That is a funny story about meeting the lady that owns it right after you join. Hope you have a good time there!