Monday, January 09, 2006

Week 22 in Your Baby's Development

Many babies at this age begin to show an interest in solid foods. Tyler may watch you intently while you eat and try to reach for some of what you have. Yes, he loves to watch and will actually smack his lips if you are eating something he'd like to try. This is one indication that he may be ready to try some solid foods. Other signs include sitting well while supported, holding his head steady, and losing the "extrusion reflex," which causes him to push food out of his mouth.

Tyler is probably conducting some new experiments such as dropping his toys on the ground to find out what sounds they make when they land. He really loves to take his paci in and out of his mouth to amuse himself! To help sharpen his auditory skills and encourage his interest in the world around him, try pointing out a plane flying overhead, or an ambulance speeding down the street.

If you place a small object on the floor, Tyler might be able to rake it towards him with his hands. Just make sure you stick close to Tyler to make sure that the item doesn't end up in his mouth or that the object doesn't pose a choking hazard.

Is Tyler still not sleeping through the night? We have good nights and bad nights. Sometimes he sleeps a big part of the night but the past couple of nights he hasn't done so well. Believe it or not this is normal. Even as adults we awaken several times a night, but we learned at some point to put ourselves back to sleep. Until your baby learns how to put himself back to sleep, you will, unfortunately, be awakened to lend a hand.

Babies around this age also love faces - even their own. Try placing an unbreakable baby mirror in the crib; or if you don't have a baby mirror, trying putting Tyler on the floor in front of a mirror. For a few minutes at a time Tyler may be his own entertainment. He loves to watch himself in the mirror!! It's lots of fun for him. He loves to touch your face and if you have hair he can reach it, he'll get a handfull!! He has no idea that he is looking at his own reflection - that revelation will come much later. For now it's just a new adorable baby face that's fun to look at.

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