Thursday, November 10, 2005

Week 13

Your baby may be strong enough now to do mini-pushups, lifting his head and chest off the ground for a better view. To encourage him, try placing him on his stomach on a play mat for short periods of time every day. You'll be surprised at how quickly he learns to raise his upper body to see what's going on around him.
Many studies have shown that a stimulating environment accustoms children to change and helps their senses develop more quickly. Playing developmental games with him - even at this age - can provide just such an environment. These activities also provide a unique opportunity to interact with your baby and encourage a love of learning. Try sewing a small bell onto a band and put it on his wrist or ankle. He will begin to understand that it makes a sound when he moves, helping him develop body awareness and hand-eye coordination. However, be sensitive to signs that he is over stimulated and needs a break. As they say, everything in moderation.

Tyler may be able to push up on his arms by now, but don't get too excited, this is only half of the equation needed to start crawling. He also needs to develop his balance and leg coordination. However, if Tyler can move his upper body with his arms, he might soon figure out how to drag himself around.

Your little one will continue experimenting with his voice and is probably developing quite the "vocabulary" lately. He may be making vowel sounds like "ooh" and "aah" and has learned that he can change the sound simply by changing the shape of his mouth.

Tyler is probably opening his hands more and may start bringing them together in clapping motions as his hand-eye coordination improves. He has probably started batting at objects in an attempt to reach out for them. Help him develop this coordination by holding out a toy to see if he will grasp it.

2 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Is he going right on schedule?

Aunt Bec

Crazy Working Mom said...

He has gained tremendous strength in his arms and neck. He isn't really reaching for things just yet. But, he does get a hold of something, he does have a good grip on it. He's definitely learning that he can get his hands to his mouth and such on them. He loves to do that! He has been rolling over for a while. He was way ahead of schedule for that one.