I'm Daydreaming Again!
Tyler will start Kindergarten in the fall. He's a young 'un. He will just barely be 5 when he starts. He went for screening a couple of weeks back and he scored a bit lower than they would like for him to score. It was no surprise to me being that he is younger, thus they suggested summer school for him. He started last Friday and he will go for the entire month of June.
Also for the month of June my little sister from Texas will be staying in Arkansas. She is a pleasure to have, but being that she is only 11, it's mostly like having a 4th (GASP!) child. It's more laundry, extra cooking, etc. But the good thing is that with her being 11, she is also a very good helper, thank goodness!
To say that things are busy for me could quite possibly be the understatement of the century! School, work, kids, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. It's enough to make me want to curl up in the fetal position over in the corner!!!
Sometimes I wish that I could clone myself to where I could enjoy my kids, ya know do all of the fun things with them...go swimming, to the park, watch a movie, visit the zoo, play a little baseball in the front yard...those things that I do not have time to do. My clone could do all of those things that I hate to do like laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the toilets, doing the floors, cleaning out the pool, etc! Wouldn't that be nice?!?! Seriously! Even if I could just have a cleaning contractor keep up with the overwhelmingly large amount of housework I have to do I would be a happy woman! I had a cleaning lady for a while, and I must admit that on the days when she came, I looked forward to coming home to a CLEAN house. It was nice knowing that when I opened the doors, the smell of freshly mopped floors and clean linens filled the air.
Unfortunately, I'm living in the real world now where things are as they were when we left them this morning...in complete and total disarray! I suppose I have this to look forward to for the next 16 years or so, right?
...at least a Mom can dream!
10 comments, add yours here:
I figure as a Mom we have to learn how to prioritize. Some nights playing ball is just more important than anything else. The dishes will be there, the laundry can wait, there's more underwear at Kmart if you need them, haha.
I read a great book called teh Gift by Cecilia Ahern about the same idea of wishing for a clone to do the work, and stuff.
It's a big day for Tyler when he starts school. My two youngest grandchildren will start school in September and neither of them will be five until early next year - they look too young! :0
Lisa, I might have to check out the book!
You're right about prioritizing things. Sometimes, it's just hard...
Akelamalu, I KNOW what you mean!!! When I see those little babies there, especially the ones that are crying for their mommies, it breaks my heart. They are so young...
Actually, I HAVE a cleaning service, and it has made my life easier (especially because I'm not physically able to do the work, and my kids are just plain lazy!), but now I want a professional organizer to come over and help me get my "stuff" in order!
A mom will always have things that need to get done, but one of the most important things we can do for our kids is teach them to be independent, confident people who will one day take care of themselves and NOT MOOCH OFF OF US!
Hugs... it's always a challenge...
boy do I get it! I feel like I am never quite caught up and most of the time, I am no where near caught up.
DS It was nice having a cleaning lady. Maybe I should try to find another...
Lois Thanks for the hugs! I can always use those. ;)
Twisted Cindy There is no such thing as caught up when you're a mom is there?!?!
I agree with a bunch of these posts! (now that my younger one is MARRIED, and the older one will be in 6 more weeks!!!--although I seem to be paying bunches of money this year that I didn't anticipate--for the CHILDREN!!!) I was also blessed with a hubby who didn't care if the house was spotless, played ball and took kids to the park, and cooked, too! That first summer they were both full-time counselors at Wesley Woods Camp (they were still in high school) was the first taste of....quiet!!!
Heck, I don't even have kids, but I still need a clone! Seriously - three jobs, a farm with a couple hundred cows, college, three dogs, a marriage, and a house which has been in a state of construction for three years.......... YES, I need a clone too!
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