Thursday, April 14, 2011

Conversations with Emily

Emily Grace
My two oldest children attend school.  Tyler is in Kindergarten and Shelby is in 2nd grade.  Emily goes to a daycare/preschool.  We have always just called it "school" for her too because that makes her feel like a "big kid".  Most days she is very excited about school as she enjoys the activities, songs, and she loves her teacher(s).

One particular day this week, Emily found herself in the midst of one of her frequent "terrible twos" melt downs and she informed me that she was not going to school today.  When asked her why, she said that school was out today and then she proceeded to point to the sign out front of the school.  This particular sign says the name of the daycare center.  Of course Emily had decided that this sign said otherwise.  She then informed me that this sign said, "Do not go to school today"!
Yes, folks my two year old daughter can now read signs and if you tell her otherwise, 
be prepared for the melt down! 

2 comments, add yours here:

Becca said...

That might be the first big girl picture of Ems! Cute story!

Crazy Working Mom said...

She has really developed quite a personality and is so head strong it's not even funny! It's a good thing she's so darned cute! *LOL*