Wumblers DVD Review
After Mom and former teacher, Laura Wellington lost her husband to cancer she wanted to help her own four children cope with the loss. She came up with a brilliant idea and created The Wumbler Series and The Wumbler Patch. It is wonderful to see ordinary women taking a truly negative situation and turning it into a positive, not just for their own self, but for others as well.
Both The Wumblers series and The Wumbler Patch brand support "Green Living" throughout the story lines pertaining to all aspects of The Wumblers series. Wumbleton is an extremely non-wasteful society where food falls from the sky only when needed, babies are born from watermelon, and Mother Wumbler provides the "green" lessons that the entire community lives by.
We received a Wumbler DVD (Volume 2) which contains two episodes: "Roosters Don't Bark" and "I'm Too Small" as well as a collector plush Wumbler that my youngest daughter fell in love with! We immediately had to go online and register our Wumbler. The kids were also excited to see the series on the Trinity Broadcasting Network! You can see all of the scheduled TV listings by clicking here.
Roosters Don't Bark teaches a beautiful lesson about self acceptance. Lenny, Mr Flynns rooster overhears how much everyone loves their dogs and cats, he decides that he wants to be one as well. After Lenny tries to be every pet imaginable, even a goldfish he learns from his friends that "being you is the best thing to do"!
I'm Too Small tackles an issue that most parents with young children have delt with. All of the Wumblers were trying to get to the Watermelon Patch. In order to ride the train, they had to be measured to see if they were tall enough to ride. Raimundo was too small to ride because the safety bar would not hold him in. This made him sad, especially when he was called names, like "short shell". Thankfully Raimundo helps Baby Jasper later and realizes that his size might hinder him sometimes but made him the hero in the end!
My thoughts:
I really loved the message that The Wumblers bring. The bright colors were eye catching and seemed to really intrigue my 18 month old daughter. The older two children (ages 4 and 7) also liked the series and seemed to understand the message. We had a discussion after the I'm Too Small episode because we have been in such situations when we were at fairs and amusement parks so they knew how Raimundo felt when hew as refused a ride on the train. All in all, I think that The Wumblers DVDs are a very good investment for any parent who is looking for some good, wholesome entertainment for your children.
For more information on The Wumblers Series or The Wumbler Patch, you can check out the website. For purchase information you can click here. You can also become a fan of The Wumblers on Facebook.
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