Looking at the Sky on Friday

We've been lucky enough this week to see some sunshine mixed with the clouds. Thank goodness. Temperatures are warming and things seem to be drying out. I think that Spring is on the horizon and I couldn't be happier!
This is a great Friday for me as my blog has taken me from my computer to the television! Yes, folks that's right I will be making my second appearance on the local ABC affiliate, Good Morning Arkansas promoting some Mommy Invented Products. You can see the products on the previous post. I hope to be able to post the video here in the coming days.
- Interested in joining us? For information on Looking at the Sky on Friday, including graphics click here.

14 comments, add yours here:
Every time I go to find a pic for LATSOF, I keep going to my Florida pics.
Hope you don't mind!
Have a great weekend,
Good luck tomorrow!
The sky still looks cold, as it should in this season. Keep this view in the back of your mind for the inevitable hot and humid August that is sure to follow...
You were very photogenic on TV, the producers noticed as you are invited again. Congratulations are in order!
Good luck tomorrow, you star mommy you!
Is spring on its way? I don't believe it..
Lovely pic! I almost posted one with clouds and blue sky behind a tree, but I like yours better.
I'm up for this week though there's no sun to be found in my picture choice. Soon maybe??
Good luck on the show, I'm sure you'll do just great!!
Spring is here already and soon it'll be there too - looks like it! :)
that clouds looks interesting! good shot!
happy sky watching have a great weekend too!
Good luck to your appearance. Happy LATSOF and have a great weekend.
Congrats on another appearance on TV. I'm hoping you'll come up to NY and apear on ABC! Happy LATSOF! :) Mine's up!
Great picture. Here's hoping I can find a clip of your TV gig. I'm sure it went great!
I really like the balance of elements in this one, I can't wait for leaves to start appearing on those trees. ~ Calico Contemplations
Beautiful sky view through the bare branches! How 'kewl' you're on TV ... that means we know a celebrity 'virtually' speaking, right? Hope your appearance went well and you enjoyed yourself. I'm just a bit late with my stormy sky views this weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
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