Looking at the Sky on Friday #40

For information on Looking at the Sky on Friday, including graphics click here.
The weather here in central Arkansas has been perfect! We have had beautiful skies and cooler temperatures. I've been fighting the urge to drag out the "fall/Halloween" decor. I usually wait until after September ends, but I'm getting the itch to get it out and begin to scatter it around. I did actually re-do my flower arrangement in my bathroom. It was a spring arrangement, now it's fall with sunflowers, pumpkins, browns, and yellows. I am getting into the fall mode. I'm ready for fall. I always love to see spring and summer arrive, but I am excited when the seasons change as well. I can't wait to capture some fall skies in the coming weeks! Happy Friday, everyone!Powered by MckLinky- Ten Kids and a Do
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20 comments, add yours here:
It's beginning to feel like fall here too but a bit too soon to bring out the Halloween stuff. ;-) I like the way the leaves fame the sky in your photo/
Love it!
The many fair-weather clouds signal the end of oppressive humidity. Trading some sun and blue skies for cooler and more pleasant weather is a fair trade!
the stores all have the Halloween stuff out
a bit early for me
although I love the cooler temps
I like the way the leaves frame the sky
Happy Belated Birthday to Emily Grace
Nicely framed in greenery! Are we all looking forward to the weekend? I am!
Tink *~*~*
Sunset happens on Sanibel Island
It's been cool and making me think Fall here, too. Your sky is beautiful.
Autumn for us means Indian Summer...way less fog...clear blue sky.
sadly more fires.
I actually have mine up before midnight Friday....smile.
love the picture! it's lovely and beautiful....
Autumn for me is wonderful too..
what a pretty sky, me too is excited for the changes of colors...
Our weather has turned a little fally. Your picture is beautiful
I've been bit by the same fall decor bug. Hoping to get started this weekend if I can get the house cleaned first..... TGIF!
We too are enjoying the cooler weather. Of course, I can't decorate for fall until I find the boxes with the fall decor. Guess that's one way to get all this stuff unpacked.
Calico Contemplations
Hi Tisha! I'm getting into autumn mode as well. I love this time of year.
Sorry I've been a stranger.
Enjoy your long holiday weekend.
I love how the sky is framed with the leaves in your pic!
Mine is running late this week, but hope it's a 'better late than never' kinda thing!
Have a great weekend, my friend!
~ Mo
amazing frame love it !!
cant wait to take the next pic with my Mo !!!
have great weekend my best friend ♥
Sorry I'm late post....trying to play catch up on chores. It's not working though. :o(
Beautiful framing!
I'm late but I'm finally up. It's nice to see someone else happy to see fall around the corner.
hi, nice weather there..
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