Buh-Bye Entrecard!
The following has been posted on the Entrecard Blog:
Hello Entrecarders,
We just wanted to update everyone that the sponsor ads will be postponed for another week, until Oct. 5, 2009. When it is implemented, users will have the option to opt out of the sponsor ads program completely for a small fee. For just $50 a year, you can have your widget free of sponsor ads. We have provided this option for those of you who are concerned about the sponsor ads. Thank you for your support.
When I signed up for this service it was advertised as a free service. I was excited to be getting more traffic to my blog and found many wonderful new blogs along the way by "dropping ECs". There was a paid ad service implemented by the previous owner of Entrecard. It went over like a lead balloon. There was an availability to opt out so that the hard earned credits of the members were put to good use and their widget was shown 100% of the time. I stuck around as ownership changed hoping that with some employee screening things would change and finally it was announced that paid ads would cease. Things seemed to be getting back to normal and many who had bailed ship before came back.
After reading this, I realize that it is now time to cut all ties with EC. It is no longer in my best interest to stick around. I haven't the time for dropping cards now anyhow. Since we no longer earn credits when someone drops on us, it's pretty much a useless service for me. I refuse to pay $50 to keep them from showing paid ads on MY site.
Adios, Entrecard! I hope that those of you who are still faithfully dropping will stop in from time to time and say hi!
19 comments, add yours here:
Unless you're willing to waste time dropping cards, Entrecard isn't worth the space on your blog. There's no way I'm going to pay $50.
Oh so true, John! I have been considering leaving for a long time but hoping it would turn around. It really was a great service for this blog when I first signed up, but has changed since.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you'll come back soon!
I'm glad we are connected in other ways! :) I'll be quitting EC too.
It's unfortunate, but I fear that we're not in the minority. :(
I am glad we've connected, though! Thanks, Tink for your support. It's always appreciated. :)
I've been meaning to remove ec too, I never even use it anymore.
I have some ads left to run on my widget but am no longer accepting new ones. Once they are gone, so is the EC widget and my account. I need to find someone to give my credits to.
I dumped Entrecard myself quite a long time ago when it first started doing its "paid spots" and all that other stuff. It started out as one thing and then morphed into something completely different.
I let my ads run out and then deleted my account Sunday evening. I've got so much more time now. I too refused to pay 50 bucks to keep ads off my site. I can keep ads off my site for free. Dump Entrecard. It was that simple.
Have a terrific day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Linda, I hoped to see it through and see changes after the new admin, but it seems to have gotten worse. Definitely NOT what I signed on for.
Sandee, I know they hated to lose Comedy +! That'll cost 'em.
Thanks, girls for stopping by!!!
I took the widget off my blog some time ago as well. It wasn't doing me any good any more. I did get to meet some great bloggers while running it, so I'm happy for that, but otherwise.. they can take a long walk off a short pier!
I cancelled my EC about a year ago. I've never given it a minute's thought since then. You won't miss the drops one little bit because the greater majority of them aren't actually Readers/Subscribers to your feed.
Hi There! Sad to so you, me and so many other good bloggers leaving that have been around Entrecard for so long. Some of us from the beginning. Anyway, I have 4 more ads waiting to run, then I will be removing my widget and calling it quits. Just wonder if Entrcard finally cut their own throat this time.
Nice job placing the Entrecard image. ;-) lol
Asara & Barb. Agreed! No good to my site either. Most of the credits I have left, Asara are ones that you gave to me when you left!
Chilly. Thanks for stopping by and letting me use your image. It does link back to your post! :)
I'm taking mine off when the ads run out if not before then.
I've been thinking about getting rid of it for awhile now anyway... this cinches the decision for me!
Well, Tammy it looks so far like most of my readers have already are will be removing their widget, so I guess it's the best move for all!
Thanks for stopping by!
Mee too Misty! I was the same way. Just sticking around to see what happened when it changed hands. Now it's gone to the dogs!!!
I just finishing whacking EC off of my blog as well. With the new referral program, EntreCard has become just another manual click exchange and something else for Google to back slap...
Them folks is running scared. Locked the whole place down now, kicking out members and stealing their credits, no blog comments, no forum, nothing worth looking at left.
I've got one ad to finish running and little more data mining to do for future posts to dance and the EC grave, and then I join the Wolverines...
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