Thursday, July 09, 2009

Swimming = Sleep, Right?

his was the scene Friday afternoon. We spent the day at the lake. We enjoyed some time on our friend's party barge. The kids wore themselves out jumping off the boat into the water and swimming. It was great fun to get away even if for only a day. It was a nice day, just warm enough to enjoy being in the water but not too miserable when you were out. I am so glad that we live close enough to a large body of water to get out and enjoy it when the time permits. The kids had a great time and I must admit that I did as well! Sleep was much needed in our home on Friday night!

7 comments, add yours here:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i can remember being a little girl and playing so hard i slept like that. wonderful memories! you are a great mom tisha!!!

smiles, bee

katherine. said...

I totally love this picture....worn out by fun!

Becca said...

i love this picture too! :)

Akelamalu said...

Great picture! We're taking all five grandchildren to the seaside for the day in a couple of weeks. I imagine the scene in the car on the way home will be similar. :)

Desert Songbird said...

Large body of water + desert = nigh impossible. The sleep, however, is something to which I can relate.

Bradi Nathan said...

Something tells me that my kids will look the same tomorrow night. The things we do to make them happy... we are headed to look at overnight camps tomorrow. Two scheduled tours, 3 hours away... and a 40th bday party for the hubby and I to rush back for.
Exhausted yet? We are.
Hey, it's all worth the ride!
Bradi, co-founder

Patois42 said...

The sleep of the exhausted is my favorite kind of sleep.