Monday, June 22, 2009

Manic Monday - Pop

We had dinner Saturday night at The Olive Garden. Just as we got our salad and bread sticks, Shelby proclaimed that she needed to use the restroom. Of course if one child needs to go, everyone at the table must go as well, even though some just returned from the restroom with their father. We all exited the dining area and entered the restrooms. The girls each claimed their own stall and I took Tyler with me into the handicapped stall. I've found over the years that when you have to potty with a little one it's just easier to go into a big stall, even though the toilet is taller.

Tyler: Mommy, I don't need you to go with me. I can do it by myself.

Me: Well, I am just going to go in here and I'll stand by the door to make sure that nobody comes in on you.

Tyler: Do I really have to use this old lady toilet?

I thought I was going to die right there. I could hear every lady in the restroom cracking up and I thought my sides were going to pop open right there from laughing so hard.

10 comments, add yours here:

I Made $3375/Month From Internet said...

Hi Tisha, Tyler is really a cute boy.. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hey tyler! who you callin' an old lady??? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Linda said...

Kids DO say the darndest things at the darndest times, don't they?

Coincidentally we went to Olive Garden this past Saturday ourselves. I really need to learn how to make the zuppa tusacana!

katherine. said...


(Rhiannon use to call the Handicap parking...Big Butt Parking...)

Marilyn said...

LOL But when the speaker is that young nobody gets offended... thankfully

Travis Cody said...

Boy those years are tough before you're old enough to go to the men's room by yourself!

Maggie Moo said...

Oh he is too much! LOL!! At least I'd have been in the bathroom when I heard it so I wouldn't have peed my pants laughing.

Desert Songbird said...

I hear the best kid conversations in public restrooms, particularly when it's a little boy with his mom.

Mo and The Purries said...

LOL - kids really do say the darndest things, and I think Tyler ranks up there with the darndest of the darndest!

LAC said...

All caught up on the posts I missed. These conversations with Tyler just crack me up everytime.