Photo Meme
Tammy from Mom Knows Everything tagged me for this photo meme. I've not done this one yet, so I thought I'd oblige.
1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’ them ’bout it.
How funny is it that the sixth folder on my lap top is from last Valentine's Day! I didn't have six pictures in the folder, only four so I chose to post the last one in that folder. It is the bags containing the gifts that I gave the kids and hubby last year.
11 comments, add yours here:
What prefect timing for the tag then to show Valentine's presents. Thanks for doing the tag. :o)
i did this tag too, its so interesting!
im intruiged to know whats inside the bags lol
I will do this when I get home... might even have to do it two or three times. Laptop, Desktop & External Hard drive all have pictures on them. I am very UNorganized these day. ;-) OOOOhhh, I could also use Flickr, too.
Love the red bags.
Very cool!I was tagged into this one too. :)
I love this meme, I did it a couple of weeks ago but it was 4th photo, 4th folder.
Isn't it fun when things like this happen! I did this meme a while back at Small Reflections after being tagged my Hootin' Anni ... found a funny little bird at my kitchen window.
Hugs and blessings,
What is this 666 lol! Alright sounds like fun I will do it! I'm going to do it write now.
I mean RIGHT now instead of WRITE now... ohhh not enough coffee yet!
i did it!
What a nice coincidence. Hope you had a lovely Hearts Day!
I still can't believe it took me so long, but I finally posted the photo...
Thanks again for including me, I promise to reply faster next time :-D
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