The Results Are In
We received the Goldie Pacifier that we ordered from It arrived in a paper envelope and the nipple was bent over to one side. I was disappointed but when I got it home and boiled it to sterilize it, the nipple straightened right back up. I then tested the new paci with my 4 month old. If you've read the previous post on my dilemma,
you will know that Gerber is no longer making the pacifiers that Emily has taken since birth. The one she has needs to be replaced. I began my search last week to find a new one after none of the local retailers had it on their shelves. After much searching, I found an equivalent online. The main difference is that the nipple on the new paci is shorter than the one she had grown accustomed to. At first she had a difficult time keeping it in her mouth. It kept popping out. She did take it out a few times and put the outside in her mouth. The great thing about the is pacifier
is that the whole thing is made from rubber. I've read tips from other parents that said when their children were teething they would freeze them and their children would also use them as teethers. We're not getting far from this situation because Emily
is already showing signs of teething. Oh yes, just as we start getting a sleep pattern down, the sleepless nights will begin again due to the pain of teething. I think that she might end up doing okay with it after some getting used to. She struggled with it a bit last night as she tried to fall asleep after having her 2AM bottle, but eventually went back to sleep.
I will not be rushing back to Amazon to buy more just yet. As of right now the jury seems to still be out on this one. But, if nothing else, she can use it as a teether and from the looks of things she can just hold on to it and fall asleep! Well, the swing might have had something to do with that last photo, and the fact that she was extremely tired.
Emily does love this paci and I would highly recommend it!
10 comments, add yours here:
i hope it works. she is so beautiful!
smiles, bee
Ah tired little girly :)
When my 13 year old was about Emily's age we went through the same thing with bottle nipples. She was a in NICU for a few days after birth and when they sent her home they sent her home with a big supply of special nipples. The stores did not sell the shape and I had to beg the manufacture who only sells to hospitals to send me a case. They sent us hundreds of nipples. It was pretty funny.
She's such a cutie pie!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows? Maybe this will help her wean from a pacifier sooner?
Those pictures are so precious!
I hope you get the paci situation worked out soon. I hope she goes through teething as well as princess Magpie is. She is SUCH a cutiepie!
I can't get over how much Emily and Tyler look alike! Those eyes...beautiful!
I remember the sheer terror of not being able to find the pacifier in the middle of the night. Ack!
Emily is a sweetie. I thought she had fallen asleep in the high chair, with that tray in front of her. I see the baby swings are much more elaborate than they were 20 years ago!
Awesome shots of Emily!
Don't worry hon,I bet she will starts liking it soon.And I'm still on that subject we've talked about. ;)
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