Looking at the Sky on Friday

For information on Looking at the Sky on Friday, including graphics click here.
When I snapped this photo, there was a bit of a rainbow appearing in the center of the shot right where the light blue is located in the shot. It didn't show up as well as I wanted it to in the picture, but I still think that the shot is pretty. If you click to make it bigger, you can see a trace of the colors. I can't wait to see what you all come up with this week! Don't forget to leave your link so I'll know where to find you! Thanks so much for playing along and all of your support. It does mean so much.
22 comments, add yours here:
I like the contrast between the dark clouds and the blue sky
An Arkie's Musings
At least I was first on the Linky!
For a sky like this, I am a person of 'the glass half full'...there is a bit of blue, and that means that there is still hope bor better skies. That bit of nice sky means that better skies may be around the corner...
You're right - it's VERY pretty! Beautiful capture, my friend.
SO Pretty!
I played twice - I couldn't resist. I've been taking photos just for this meme :-D
It's a gorgeous shot, even though I need to take your word about the rainbow. (I'm old so I'm not surprised that I can't see it.)
I think I'll come play with you next week. That "other one" is so BIG, too many bloggers to try to visit. Plus, not as friendly. I didn't sign your Linky this week, already posted it over there, but if you want to see my sky shot anyway, it's here. Happy Friday!
It's very pretty, Tish. You even have a reflection in the water. Is that a backyard pond?
It was a dark and stormy night...
I love cloudy skies~
There is so much drama in that picture. I love it!
uw it looks like there is gonna be a storm at one end and sun at other.
You know when you cross the line from rain to sun when driving or walking? lol
Sorry i didnt played last week Tish, i didnt have a pic. I have one ready for next week though haha!
I like all the different colors you caught. The blue sky, the ominous dark clouds and the bright white clouds. The reflection is cool too. Nice photo, Tisha!
I cheated a bit this week. tee hee
I love the dark clouds and then the light with the bit of blue. The landscape beneath is very pretty too.
Very nice capture, Tisha! I went for a collage of sunrises this week so instead of pink like last week, I'm doing orange!
great shot tisha! thanks for inviting me over... (i would have come anyway! ha ha ha)
smiles, bee
Beautiful sky for today! I love the contrasts of dark and light. I've played twice ... once at Happily Retired Gal and the other at Sacred Ruminations, including a bit of Haiku as usual.
Hugs and blessings,
What a beautiful scene!
mine is up
it's a little silly
but I had fun with it
and at least I participated, right?
Awesome capture girl!!!
Nice job! ;)
Do you back up to a pond? I love waterfront property!
I forgot to mention...You can find mine up here.
Awesome photo and great sky shot Tish!
“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”~ Buddha
mine is up here!
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