Random Tuesday
We have five DVDs sitting on top of our entertainment center. We've had them rented from the local video store for over two weeks. We have only watched two of them! This means that we've racked up some substantial late charges at the video store and probably will still end up renting the ones we haven't watched yet again. Today I ended this insane behavior! With the encouragement of my B/F/F I joined NetFlix. I'm super excited about it. I've added some movies to my Queue that I've been wanting to see but forget when I get to the video store. Do you have Netflix? If so, how do you feel about it? Do you love it or hate it? What movies do you have in your queue? Now I want a Roku Player! I'm adding it to my wish list. Valentine's day is soon.
I've also finished the second book in the Twilight series. It did get better. It was a slow start for me and there was a time when I almost gave up. With the encouragement of several others I stuck it out and there were a few times that I had a hard time putting it down, although not as many as in Twilight. I have not been able to find the next two books at the local stores, so I ordered them via Amazon today. Hopefully they'll ship quickly. I still haven't gotten the pacifier that I ordered via Amazon for Emily. I'll post an update when I get it. I sure do hope that it'll be an equivalent to the Gerber paci that is no longer being manufactured. If you missed that original post, you can click here.The weather in Arkansas has been so crazy! Seriously crazy. Yesterday was in the 50s. Today, was in the 40s, tomorrow:44 Thursday:32 Friday:28. Saturday I had to take Shelby to the doctor. She has a throat infection. Yesterday Tyler went, he has a horrible cough. We didn't see our pediatrician, he was all booked up. We saw a doctor who said he just had a cold. Hopefully he'll recover soon. Last night I started feeling yucky. I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection. I'm going to use my NetiPot, take a sinus pill, and head to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Also, don't forget to get your sky photos this week. I'll be looking at the sky on Friday and hope you'll be joining me! To find out more about how to play along, you can click the following logo:

5 comments, add yours here:
I've been with netflix for years. Love 'em. Its such a blessing since I moved in with my husband, because we are too far from a rental store they would never get returned.
Of all the Twilight books the second was the hardest to read. The last two will fly by, they are the best. I read them before the holidays and loved them.
We have been using NetFlix for a year or two. I am a very satisfied customer. The selection is so great. Our small rural town video store has a limited selection.
An Arkie's Musings
You can add friends on Netflix and then see their reviews and queues. :)
I've had Netflix a few months and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! We should become friends on there!
I'm glad you enjoyed eclipse. Its always nice to hear another grown up is caught up in the series.
(how far do you live from calico rock?)
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