Emily Grace
Emily still has a cough. We're still on the inhaler every four hours and cough meds every six. I feel like she is slowly improving. She's getting her appetite back. The worst part is that the inhaler dawns a chamber with a mask that I have to hold on her face to get an airtight seal and she does NOT like that thing. I'm sure I wouldn't either. It feels like I am trying to smother her and she wriggles and squirms trying to get away from me while I'm doing it causing me to hold her down. It's not fun, but it has to be done to get her well. I keep telling myself that.
Yesterday we watched the inauguration and she was cute sitting in her little Bumbo seat looking up at that big screen. I have high hopes for our new president. I hope that change indeed is coming our way not only for myself but for my children and their future as well.Brien picked the kiddos up from school and when they got home, he and Shelby had been shopping at Wal-Mart. Guess what Shelby talked him into?! A Wii!! That girl has her daddy wrapped completely around her finger. I'd been wanting one, but we could never find one in the store. There just so happened to be one there last night, so they grabbed it up. Shelby had so much fun playing it. Tyler just doesn't get the concept, I don't think. Shelby kicked my butt at Tennis and stomped Brien in a bowling match. I will say this, it's great leverage to get her to clean her room!!!
21 comments, add yours here:
Glad to hear the little one is getting better.. Weird, when we had to do that with Jack we just had to put it up to his face, not clamp it on.. She probably holds her breath when you fasten that thing on her. I feel bad for the both of you.. She looks adorable in her little chair. We never could put Jack in one. His Thighs were to fat. :)
Glad to hear Emily is on the mend...Enjoy the Wii... I want one, too!!!
I hope she feels better soon. Our Wii died yesterday and we won't be able to get a new one till next month. :o(
Callie Ann:
It doesn't clamp on her face...it just has to suction to her face to keep the meds from seeping out.
Thanks Lois. You can come play with us. But, the kids are hogs! *LOL*
Oh, I hate to hear that, Tammy.
i hope she is ALL well in a minute! dear little thing...
smiles, bee
I really need to get video of Emma doing boxing, it's hilarious!
I could NOT stop laughing at Shelby. She kept inching close to the television. I was scared she was going to stick her hand through the television! *LOL*
I'm so happy to hear that Emily's on her way to recovery. I hate when anyone's sick, but especially little ones who can't tell you what hurts or how bad.
I'm happy Emily is feeling better. I'll be so glad when you aren't up all night tending to her and you both can get a good nights sleep.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I'm glad she is feeling better. My oldest was in the hosptial with it when he was little, he would not eat at all no matter what we did. Did the doctor not say anything about the cool mist humidifier? We used it alot when he was little.
Sarah, he did. We're using one!
Emily's such a little cutie ... I'm hoping she's well again soon and am praying for you all. I was glued to the television yesterday too for this historic event!
Hugs and blessings,
I'm so glad your sweet baby girl is improving! I've been praying for her - and you too! I hope you're getting that nap today - you need it and deserve it!
We LOVE our Wii - it is addictive, tho!! Now you need a Wii Fit!! Fun!
Wait, I certainly didn't mean to imply that you weren't fit! It's just a lot of fun! ;-)
Bubba's Sis, I do want a Wii fit but they're hard to come by here. We just now were able to get a Wii. I'll have one eventually. But I don't know if I'll ever be allowed to play it. Shelby LOVES the Wii. :D
I'm so happy to hear Emily's feeling a bit better.
Congrats on the Wii! If you ever get to play you'll become addicted fast!! I bought one for us as a family present for the holidays.... it's really fun!!! I suck so bad at it though. LOL
So happy to hear that Emily is improving.
I want a Wii Fit!
I am glad to hear that she is improving. I hope she is all better soon. It sounds really tough giving her those treatments.
The Wii sounds fun!
I'm glad to hear that Emily seems to be improving. I'll keep up the prayers.
Have fun with the Wii. My kids love ours.
Glad to hear Emily is on the upswing. :)
In a few weeks go get the wii fit. OMG! It is fun and motivation to move. Especially if you can't get to the gym it's a fun way to get yourself moving. Plus both my kids love it.
I hope she's feeling better by now.
I have great hopes about President Obama as well.
And...Way to go Shelby!!!LOL!
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