When Brien and I were first married, I remember one time I made some coffee one morning. I was so proud of myself because I had added my favorite
'seasoning' to said coffee. I poured myself a cup and added a bit of sugar to it. It tasted

amazing to me. I poured hubby a cup as well and took it to him. He took a sip and asked what I added to it. I proudly announced that I put in two spoons of sugar, just as he likes and a touch of something that I like. He sipped on it a bit more and then proclaimed that he wasn't a fan of what I had added to his coffee. He got up to go make him a new cup and I had to break the news to him that even if he made a new cup of coffee it would still have my "special touch" in it. He asked why and I had to break the news to him that I had added
cinnamon to the coffee grounds when I made the coffee. Now, I know not to add anything to
my coffee until after it is brewed to keep the peace in the family.
Have you ever tried Nature's Own
Seasoning? It is really good. I use it in just about everything that I cook. It's great for
seasoning up hamburger meat, pastas, or anything in which you would you'd add salt and pepper. It is a great replacement for your salt
and pepper. If you haven't tried it, next time you do your shopping, add it to your list and let me know what you think!
Happy Manic Monday to all!
If you're playing along, don't forget to sign Mr Linky.
Manic Monday - Season
15 comments, add yours here:
I'm not a coffee drinker, but if someone added something to my tea, I'd have to hurt them!
Darn him... you should tell him... take your medicine dear it helps prevent diabetes... true story there
I've heard of other people adding cinnamon to their coffee before brewing it. I'm not so sure that I'd be a fan but then again, there are so many flavored coffees out now, that it's hard to find a cup that tastes like regular old coffee anyway!
Besides, maybe it's me but coffee just doesn't taste as good as it used to. I wonder why that is??
My husband gets mad at me cuz he likes things nearly salt-less. I add a touch of salt and he complains that it's over salted. :) There's just no pleasin' em! ha ha!
I'll have to try that Nature's Own stuff! Looks good.
Happy MM!!
I love cinnamon in my coffee! And another sure thing is to toss in a few clean egg shells - it helps to get rid of bitterness... It's the only time I miss smoking. After a great meal and a good cuppa joe, a cigarette was just the thing. I'm glad I quit, though! I'd be an outlaw these days~
One time at work we had a new accountant. All gung-ho he came in early and made the coffee. He added cinnamon to the pot. This was the one and only time he made that mistake. For when the partners came in and fetched their coffees he almost got fired. He was behind closed doors of one for a while. LOL.
During Tax Season they took their coffee very seriously.
i never liked any flavoring in my coffee either... or in the creamer. i like the coffee taste.
smiles, bee
This can be a very political issue in some families. With us, it's tea. I can make it, the wife can't :-)
Enjoyed this.
Yours is cinnamon. Mine is nutmeg sprinkled on the latte. Nice touch but not for those who prefer their coffee "straight"
I did that once to Allen and well it went about as well as it did for you. We bought flavored coffees this past weekend - yummy.
Hmm, I love coffee & I love cinnamon......dare I try it?
I love cinnamon in my coffe and in my hot chocolate. It makes it taste so yummy. Of course it probably helps that I could eat Red Hots by the bagfuls!
Cinnamon in coffee sounds like it could be good, but my husband would kill me if I put anything in his. Black and bitter - that's how he likes it.
I am not a coffee fan but I do love a cinnamon tea or a cinnamon toast. I have mine up a bit late but up!
I have added a bit of cinnamon, but after the coffee has brewed. My favorite creamer of choice these days is pumpkin spice.
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