My 64th
This Week's Theme: CloudsSPH Headquarters ~ The Other 63
I took this photo while traveling to a family reunion. I noticed a dark line in the clouds and I couldn't figure out what it was. I snapped the photo to show hubby later. He couldn't see them because he was driving. Any suggestions as to what the dark line might have been?
Saturday Photo Hunt - Clouds
44 comments, add yours here:
That's a lovely shot. I see telephone lines but couldn't figure out what those dark shades are.
Lovely things to see on a road trip :)
I often see dark clouds floating low in the morning sky and it usually rains in the afternoon.
Mine's up! Hope you can visit all four of them.
There's nothing wrong with your picture - they are lovely clouds. Many thanks for your charming comment.
I'm back to let you know that I have a fun Mommy Spa tag for you.
Hmm... looks like its about to rain to me
Your photo reminds me of a Turner painting - the same clouds. :)
I just posted here but can't see my post- so am trying again. Sorry if it comes up twice!
Your photo reminds me of a Jobim song called Djindi- It starts like this:
Vast, so vast is the sky!"
Lovely photo
Happy weekend
Hi Tisha. My dog Reba and I both love your photo. Beautiful clouds. They come in so many different shapes, sizes, formations so are always nice to see.
You will find our Photo Hunters posts here:
Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
or Photo Hunters - Clouds
Reba @ Reba’s Run
or Photo Hunters - Clouds
It's a lovely shot. I am sure an airplane could be blamed on the dark lines :)
Along that long stretch of road, it seems like a wonderful array of clouds are lining the road :)
hmmm... looks like black smoke.... I can't tell.
Happy weekend!
No idea at all, but the others seems like possible explanations.
I can't help on the line but it is a dramatic photo! Have a great weekend
Great, great shot!
I also have posted my cloud pictures. Please check it out in these blogs:
Le Kulitszie Familie and Shutter Happenings
Hope you can hop by if you have some time. Thanks a lot. Happy weekends to you!
Perhaps reflection off your window? Or is the window open? LOL You got me.
My clouds are posted, a bit different in 'take' this week, stop by if you can and see what you think! Have a great weekend.
Very pretty!
Maybe it is smoke
Don't know, Tisha! Maybe it's smoke like Sarge said. :)
My guess is that those are clouds that just happen to be lower and darker. It looks like smoke but in a larger view they look more like clouds to me due to their rounded shapes.
Great cloud shots. They remind us that there are so often opportunities for great photo's even while riding down the road.
(thanks for the visit and comments)
I love that shot! Perfect for the theme;-)
A low-flying plane in bad need of an oil change? I don't have a clue, but it's great that you got it on film.
very strange, great photo!
thanks for visiting mine :-)
Great photo! Once I enlarged the photo I could see power lines and then the dark cloud above it. It seems to be that it was a thinner cloud that has the shadow of the bigger cloud above it on it. Make sense?
Thanks for visiting mine!
Happy Photo Hunting!
Are they telephone cables???
Good photo though even with the lines.
Thanks for your comment on Sophie's birthday memory, I appreciate it. x
I noticed that before I read your post. How strange! Could be a shadow of the cloud above maybe.
Beautiful shot! Have a great weekend!
Maybe a plane just past by earlier ?
But it is still a beautiful shot.
Thanks for dropping by mine and have a great weekend
clearly it's the outline of the mother ship about to abduct some hapless cows
WOW! Very nice cloud formation, makes for a great painting!
you didn't mean the pole lines, did you?
have to agree with Mitey Mite. seems like a low-flying plane in bad need of an oil change! LOL
That's a tricky one! I haven't a clue. Great shot though!!
Here's mine . . .
Absolutely beautiful but as you know, I do have a thing for clouds!
Sorry to hear you caught a ‘stomach bug’ and hope you’re feeling better soon. I enjoyed the beautiful blue setting off your clouds today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
wow! that's a great capture! but that dark line caught my attention at first... looked like a smoke from the car, lol!
Very mysterious. Perhaps it was from a passing semi? Great photo anyway.
Wow! Cool picture!!
At first I thought it might be shadows, but it turned the upper parts of the clouds behind it a different color. I'm guessing it's smoke or exhaust. Nice work: a cloud photo and a puzzle!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I have always loved to watch clouds and find big puffy animals in them . :o)
cant figure those lines out but at one glance, it just looks like 'dirt' on a hardcopy of a photo. ;) lovely all the same. thanks for stopping by.
Power lines?
You'd need ol' Sherlock for this one! Great photo, though. I love clouds!
Did you take the photo from inside your car? I always get window reflection smudge prints when I take photos without putting the window down. Then again maybe it's just a black cloud -- yikes the possibilities are endless!
it all looks rather spooky to me i must say hmmmm !
If that were around my end of the country, I'd say it's either smoke from a fire or smog and pollution.
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