Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - Support

My 62nd
This Week's Theme: Support
SPH Headquarters ~ The Other 61

I don't know how many of you support the supernatural, but there is something in this photo that is unexplained. Can you spot it?! When I snapped the photo and I saw it in the instant display I thought that my daughter had some sort of clip in the front of her hair. I didn't think much about it until we got home and I was scrolling through them and realized that it was no clippie at all. I zoomed in on it:and it looked a bit like some sort of orb. What do you think?! Do you support this idea?

40 comments, add yours here:

Hootin Anni said...

Eerie. I'll support anything until proven otherwise. This is just chilling to me.

My Photo Hunt is posted. Stop by if you can, would love to have you visit with me. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

GOSH!! If you haven't mentioned it, I would have really pass it off as her hair clip!

Sarge Charlie said...

yep, you got it right and that is my story and i am sticking to it.

maiylah said...

interesting! have no idea what that glowing thingy is, too!

Unknown said...

wow weird

TorAa said...

Wow, this is tricky. Sure you need support to find out what this is.
A reflextion from a light-bulp?

I have no idea

Write From Karen said...

It looks like a little alien with buggy eyes.

I wonder what it was? I'd say something was reflecting in the background, but it's ON her head.

This is the stuff that starts UFO panics. *grin*

Write From Karen

Aiyah Nonya said...

Hey I thought it was a hair clip too. Weird...
Thanks for dropping by mine.
Have a lovely weekend.

Daisy said...

It looks like a tiny friendly guardian-angel bug. I think it's lucky!

Mitey Mite said...

Yes, that is weird. I support your idea!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, spooky! But I'm sure Daisy is right - good luck spooky :)

Anonymous said...

I have to think it's a reflection. But whatever it was, it wasn't taking your daughter's attention from the mission at hand.

Anonymous said...

It is probably some kind of CCD anomally - I don't think she is sprouting antennae :)

Patricia said...

I suspect it is a reflection off the camera lens. It would be perfect for next week's theme, too - "What is this?" =)

Hope your day is delightful, dear Tish!

Anonymous said...

Could it be a firefly?

Anonymous said...

i thought it was a clip, too, until i read the story. i agree with feefoto. maybe it's a firefly?

Kat said...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think daisy is right. but then i always think daisy is right! ha ha

smiles, bee

Kyanite said...

Now, that is intresting!
But being a sceptic can't Support the supernatural theory!

YTSL said...

Hmmmmm... the Doubting Thomas in me is wondering whether you're playing a trick on us with a double exposure photo. But if not... woaaaah, that would be rather spooky indeed!

tanabata said...

How strange! I would've just passed it off as a hair clip too.
Cute take on the theme though. :)

Mo and The Purries said...

I too would have thought some kind of hair clip - but the firefly theory intrigues me --- I've just never seen an orb glow that brightly!

Karen Coutu said...

Oh, how strange!! It is a little creepy, huh?

Leslie: said...

I'm on the fence here. But leaning towards it being some sort of light reflection. Did you use a flash?

Shawie said...

hahaha! that's very intriguing photograph, hhmmmm...

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a supporter!

Anonymous said...

I would guess a firefly or two,....... that is strange. Have a great weekend!

Becky L said...

That's wild.

I think there's probably some explanation for it. Just have no idea what it could be!

Sorry I've been gone so long. Do you even remember me?!?!

storyteller said...

I dunno … it’s pretty intriguing however. ‘Tis a puzzlement ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Four-eyed-missy said...

That's eerie to me... but it seems to be a friendly entity though.

Anonymous said...

Thats clever...Thanks for the comments...

Wade Huntsinger said...


xoxo said...

mmmm kinda scary but still wondering what that thing is ;-)

Amanda said...

I thought the supernatural thing in the photo was that it was a picture of a child sitting quietly eating. There was no food being flung on the floor or ground. She looks so peaceful.

Unknown said...

:-O *?!?!?!*
Just WOW! Of course I support your idea!

Happy weekend!


Tina said...

uw thats rather spooky. something similar kept happening in Evans pictures when he was a baby. we like to think it was Bretts nan watching over him :)

Linda said...

I'm not so sure about it being an orb as those do tend to be round in nature but that is most definitely something very out-of-this-world going on there. Plus Mo is right in that orbs don't usually glow like that.

Intriguing, though! Very intriguing!

JesieBlogJourney said...

I have no clue. Looks like a hair clip. Was there a hair clip at the time the picture was taken which dropped afterwards?

Heart of Rachel said...

There are just some things that are hard to explain. I also had a photo taken outdoors with a circular orb.

Anonymous said...

No clue but I think it looks really cool!