Manic Monday - Bug
I thought I would post a follow up to my Saturday Photo Hunt entry and answer a few questions.
In posting this photo, I proposed that the light on Shelby's head might be some sort of supernatural such as an orb.

Some of you said that it looked like a bug while others supported the supernatural theory. I know for a fact that it was not a reflection from a light bulb (we were outside). It was also not a double exposure photo. Is that possible with digital photography? Yes, I did use a flash because like I mentioned before we were outside and it was dark. She never had a hair clip in her hair. We pulled her hair back in a pony tail and that is how it stayed all night long, so it's not possible that there was one there which later fell.
There are a few possibilities, though other than the supernatural for all of those non-supporters of such a theory. My reasoning is that we were watching fireworks (of course I left that part out 'till now to make it interesting). I am certain that the light has to with something falling down from the sky or reflecting at the time of the shot. But, then there is the firefly or bug theory. There very well could have been any sort of bug on her head at the time of this photo because as I said before we were outside. Also the pony tail holder that she had in the back of her hair did have shiny stars in it. It could have been a reflection from one of the stars on the top of her head.
So, while I'd like to say that maybe an orb was circling my daughter's head at the time of this photo, I think it can more than likely be explained by one of the more logical theories mentioned above. What do you think now that you know the whole story of the photo?!
23 comments, add yours here:
Tisha, I can't imagine what it is. I'm sure it's not supernatural but it has to be a reflection of some sort - a reflection in the camera lens from the flash maybe... ?? :)
I can hear the eerie music now :) Great shot of the ghost bug!! :) Have a great Monday!
sorry Tish, I was logged into my husband account--that was my comment above :)
it does looks like some kind of a bug....
strange isn't it? maybe it's a guardian angel...
smiles, bee
love empress bee's answer! :)
It doesn't seem to be a reflection of any kind; reflections don't appear in mid-air above people's heads.
However, I agree that it could definitely be a spark-thing from one of the fireworks drifting down.
Fireflies don't look like that. This thing has two prongs sticking up vertically, curving in tandem. Unless two fireflies were doing "synchonized diving" straight down toward her scalp, and just happened to remain equidistant from each other the entire time, then somehow joining together at the bottom, that's probably not it.
The supernatural theory IS possible, and it's important not to discount that.
My vote, however, is for the firework particles. :)
Even then, though, the two-pronged parallel aspect of it is hard to explain.
I'm going for two dancing gold worms from another dimension in time.
to bug or not to bug, that is the question
Ha! Great photos Tish!!
Hope your weekend was good!! :D
You're gonna get some interesting ideas, I can tell! I don't have a clue...
"Who ya gonna call???? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!"
Where's Mulder and Scully when you need them?
interesting, i agree it must've been some spark from the fireworks that hit the lens of your camera...
A firefly - and a cute one too...
The thought of a bug in her hair gives me the heebies, so I'll go with some kind of ghost.
Happy MM!
I think she looks like a firefly princess. :)
I think you've captured the aural resonance of a crown-serpent from ancient Egypt, from one of Shelby's past lives.
Hey, if you're going all Scully on us, I can do the Mulder!
Well, I think it's just a software glitch when you uploaded the photo, but I love the idea that it's her Guardian Angel the best!
I love this type of photo - trying to guess what really causes such illusions.
Mmmh... I. Got. No. Idea.
But: I like Miss Bee's anwer best. =)
I think I'll agree with Mo on this one as I have no idea what it is but it's sure fun speculating about it!
THAT is interesting. And a little spooky (saying prayers, crossing my fingers and touching my rosary beads....just sayin!)
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