Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Roadside Assistance?

This morning as I was driving the kiddos to daycare I passed quite a sight. An elderly man possibly in his seventies was driving down the street. Nothing wrong with this picture, right? Well, he was driving around 10 MPH. This could be really frustrating to a CrAzY Working Mom who already feels like a big pile of crap who is running late getting her kids to their destination before reaching hers! The man was driving a beat up Chevrolet pick up truck that looked like he'd just drove it straight out of the junk yard. I must admit that I am not the most patient driver in the world. As I began to pass this old man and quickly realized his dilemma. He was talking on a cell phone! Yes, my friends this old man who should probably have not been driving at all was trying to yack on modern technology. The problem was that he couldn't decide which ear he wanted to put the phone to. My guess is that he forgot to turn his hearing aids on. He was switching the phone back and forth from one side to the other. This, of course is a two handed process so most of the time he was neither looking at the road in front of him nor controlling the vehicle with his hands. What a sight, 'eh? I just wonder if he reached his final destination before cruising to the ditch or if the person he was trying to talk to told him to SHUT UP AND DRIVE because I know I sure wanted to!

7 comments, add yours here:

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

It never fails - every time I'm passing someone who is driving WAY below the speed limit, they are talking on their cell phone!!! What is it about the cell phone that makes one have to drive soooo slooooooooowwwww?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sounds like sarge except he would have been driving 70 mph and trying to hear on the phone. he just can't seem to hear on it!!!

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

Reminds me of the teenagers around here, but they don't drive slowly, they drive too fast and crash into backyards.

CastoCreations said...

Oy...as much as I understand their wanting to continue driving because of their independence, it's really scary some of the elderly drivers who are still driving. :( My grandpa is 81 and I worry about him constantly.

Sandee said...

Yep, I hear you. We came home from the boat on Sunday and we were behind a young man in the center lane of the freeway. He's talking on the phone and doing about 45 to 50 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. It was awful enough. I can't imagine 10 MPH. I'm not a patient driver either. Hope you are feeling better. Have a great day Tisha. :)

Anonymous said...


I would have passed him too. There is an older man that lives near me and I get behind him WAY TOO OFTEN. He goes about 10 mph NOT talking on any phone. He even motions for me to pass. CRAZY!


Travis Cody said...

Grrrrrr!! This kind of thing really frosts me.

Get of the dang phone and drive the car!