MM Headquarters ~ Previous MMsThis Week's Theme: Bud

One of my favorite television shows to watch growing up was The Cosby Show. It focused on the every day lives of an upper-middle-class black family in Brooklyn, New York. The father, Cliff Huxtable, portrayed by Bill Cosby himself was a gynecologist and the mother, Claire Huxtable played by Phylicia Rashad was a successful attorney. They had five kids: Sandra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy.

There was also a semi-regular role played by Deon Richmond. He portrayed Kenny, Rudy's childhood friend. She refused to call him by his real name, though if you remember. She referred to him as "Bud". She pronounced it as a two syllable word. "Bu-ud" was her best friend whether he wanted to be or not. This show was before the writer's strike and the monstrosity of television reality shows, dance, and talent shows came along. Back when good, wholesome television was on every night when we just had four channels to watch! Ahhh...the good 'ole days.
Happy Budding Manic Monday to all of my Manic Monday visitors and friends! Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane.
Manic Monday - Bud
24 comments, add yours here:
This is a great take on bud. I didn't even think of this. I too loved this show. You are also right about television being much better back then. Have a great MM Tisha. :)
Good ol'Bud!
I remember Bud. I use to watch the Cosby show all the time. I wonder what he is doing now ?
Haha! That cracked me up.
Bu - ud was one of my favorites as well. Shows like that have become so rare. Even the so called "family shows" contain words or subjects that are inappropriate for younger children at the "family hour".
I forgot about Mr. Bud...yes, the good, wholesome days of telelvision
I remember watching the Cosby Show too, it was great. I also remember Kenny... but don't remember Rudy calling him Bu-ud. You must really have been 'into' the show, lol.
Whooof!!! I never watched it cuz I wasn't born yet by then. I'm only 9 people years old.
I remember that! What a great choice for the theme.
Happy MM!
EXCELLENT! I loved that show and so did the kids. I still love Bill Cosby. He's doing so much for young people even today.
(Ever watch "Two and a Half Men?" It's very funny but it's on a 8:00!!!) Way too early in the p.m. for such adult stuff.
Ah ! the Cosby show ! I used to watch it too and they all spoke perfectly french, lol (in Belgium)
We used to get this over here in the UK. It was fun.
Oh, I remember Cosby. And little "Bud" Those were the days, yes...
Ha. Very clever CrAzY. Cheers!!
Hey Tisha, I remember that! I laughed every time she said "Bu-ud." Ha! Great post! Thanks for visiting my post at "Project Yellow."
What a great memory. That was such a great show!
oh my gosh I totally remember that! It's so funny the things we forget. That show was so great. :)
ACK!! Darn you, I was just thinking about what I was going to post for my Manic Monday, and I was thinking.. Buuuuud! LOL!! Great minds think alike!!
Now here's something that I totally forgot about! Great take on the word and a great post!
I loved that show! Thank goodness fo TV Land these days. LOL
Oh Goodness, a blast from the past! I loved the Cosby Show. Thanks for bringing back the memories of when Television was worth watching. :-)
Great MM Trish!
Great take on Bud!
OMG! I remember Bud! Wow! He grew up cute!
What a great take on Bud. I loved this show. Whatever happened to just plain fun and wholesome? Did I blink and it went completely out of style?
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