I have been thinking a lot lately about switching to a dot com. I know there are A LOT of things to consider when doing this. I began my blog as sort of an outlet for me to post photos, stories, and such about the life of my family and my children. I wanted something that they'd be able to look at later on in life and
be completely and totally embarrased that I posted on the internet for the world to see with fond memories. It has became so much more with more people than just my family (hi mom!!) now reading. I have also considered getting a logo design on a business card. It would be pretty nice to have them so that when someone asked how I was doing today I could hand them a card and say, "log on to find out". With any business, you have to have a marketable logo. I still think it would be very hip to have my own logo to brand my dot com. I have played around a bit with a site today where I created my own logo for CrAzY Working Mom. It was actually pretty fun, to experiment with the logo and play around with the colors. It was not only fun, but quite easy as well by using their step by step directions. My finished product is here. What do you think? Is this CrAzY Working Mom marketable?! Why don't you go over and market yourself at Logo Yes.
3 comments, add yours here:
Sure, you're marketable!!! You have a great idea. I always love reading your take on things, with which I usually agree! And you're funny as heck...And I love to see your kiddos!
I thought about that too but it seems to be harder than me and my DBF Michael thought. You have to use wordpress for most of them and to embed a blog was some real Rocket Scientist kinda stuff. Kudos to you if you figure it out. I guess im just computer retarded:)
You did a great job on the logo!
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