Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt

My 49th
This Week's Theme: I Spy
SPH Headquarters ~ The Other 48

I spy a girl who doesn't like to dress up.

Or does she?
Maybe this little girl I spy likes to dress up for "special" occasions.
Maybe when the time is right, or perhaps...

for the right person?

This year, my husband and I have been "together" for 14 years. In honor of 14 wonderful years, I spy a long road ahead for us. Thank you for visiting my special hunt this week. Have a great weekend.

37 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

You are hands down the prettiest bride I've ever seen.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo of you and your hubby. Congratulations on 14! The longest love relationship I've had was 17 years until he passed away last week. I sure miss that cat.

I don't have anything up for the hunt, but am glad I made it over to say "hi".

Schmoop said...

You guys look great Tish. Cheers!!

eastcoastlife said...

awww... the sweet little girl turned into a beautiful woman! Congrats on your 14th anniversary, I had my 18th wedding anniversary on the 13th Mar. hehe....

poefusion said...

What a nice tribute to 14 years of marriage. You were the cutest little girl who grew into a beautiful woman. May you have many more years ahead. Last August made 10 years for me and my husband.

Alice, I wanted to say I am sorry for your loss.

Side note: I wanted to say I loved that picture of the Redneck Mansion too. Have a nice weekend.

MommyTime said...

What a nice way to interpret this theme.

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome photos!!! [I spy a tree swing redneck style too...oh, wait, I'm not supposed to spy on the neighbor's house! Sorry]

Mine is shared....I have two hidden things in two photos...drop by and see if you can find 'em, if you haven't tried yet!! happy weekend....

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. she sure looks very pretty now :)

Unknown said...

I love the progression of these photos today, you made me want to cry.
I need to see if I can get some baby photos from my mom before next month...Allen and I celebrate 17 years on 4/20.
Thanks for popping by the Cafe today for my I Spy.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

just beautiful!!! and i LOVE his hat too! you two rock...

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

I spy some precious memories in those photos. Thanks for sharing!

crpitt said...

You look absolutely gorgeous tish! and you know what you still have that same 'I am soooooooo happy' smile which must be the best feeling :)

Dragonstar said...

Lovely, lovely photos! Your wedding picture is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

oh, that's sweet. glad to learn that you are still with each other after 14 years. such a lovely theme.

Sarge Charlie said...

I spy some beautiful people

Smalltown RN said...

oh that is just do make a nice couple....and what a lovely women you grew up to be!!!

jams o donnell said...

COngratulations on your wedding anniversary. Here's to many, many more

Ingrid said...

Then you still have a long way of marriage to go to catch me up with my 39 years, lol !

Jientje said...

Oh yes! I can see that too, it's pretty obvious that you two are a happy couple!
Thx for visiting mine, you were my first visitor today and you couldn't see what was hidden. You're not the only one, so I have posted an update with the right answer!

Akelamalu said...

Congratulations on your 14th anniversary - you were a beautiful bride!

Mo and The Purries said...

You certainly were a gorgeous bride!
Thanks for sharing these pics with us!
Congrats on 14 years!


imac said...

That one I found - its the HEART of TOGETHERNESS.

See if you can find mine.

Linda said...

I spy a very lovely Photohunt for this week! You two look so incredibly happy and I hope that you always look like that!

Linda said...

Did I forget to mention that you've been tagged??

Becca said...

Aaawww! I love you guys!

Patricia said...

Awwwww....Tish. This was the sweetest "I Spy" post! Thanks for stopping by to see my walking stick. Hope your weekend is blessed in abundance.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Oh I like that picture so much!!!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oh so romantic ;-)

Girls who don't like to dress up... hmm... have to find yet.

Have a great week!

Heart of Rachel said...

Happy Anniversary. Thank you for sharing these beautiful memories. Wishing you and your hubby more happy years together.

Colette said...

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. School thing again, but What an awesome post to come back to! Congratulations on 14 years! That is AWESOME! (And I'm with everyone else, you are absolutely gorgeous!)

Anonymous said...

This was great! Very sweet pictures, all of them, and I like the take on the theme. Congrats on the 14 years!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of little Crazy working mom and younger getting married CWM. :) I love flash backs.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo of a beautiful lady! and hey, you look like Shelby...or she looks like you! :-)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on 14 years together! :) You were a beautiful bride! :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Congrats on your 14th wedding anniversary! Wishing you many more blissful years ahead together :)

Unknown said...

Have a great St Pattys! Are you wearing green???? Uh oh here comes the CYBER pinch!

Loving your drinks!

Come by and have some green beer at me pub!

Anonymous said...

Wow! happy Anniversary. Ours was 4 days before yours. :-)