Monday, March 31, 2008

Manic Monday - Pull

MM Headquarters ~ Previous MMs
This Week's Theme: Pull

When I hear the word pull, I immediately think of the struggle with my two and a half year old to potty train. When I say struggle, I mean struggle. He does well with the "pooping" part, but when it comes to going to "pee pee" in the potty, well that's just a lost cause. By this time you are probably wondering why in the heck the word pull brings to mind potty training, right? Is it the fact that getting him to potty is like pulling teeth? NOPE! Is it that we have to pull him to the potty to get him to go? NOPE! It is that he wears pull ups. We've tried putting him in big boy underwear but he will just pee in them and watch it run down his leg. I've got my fingers crossed that he'll eventually come around, hopefully before Peanut 3.0 comes along.

19 comments, add yours here:

Durward Discussion said...

That graduation from diapers is such a big event appreciated by mothers everywhere.

Travis Cody said...

Happy MM!

anthonynorth said...

As the father of seven, what memories!

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday.

He'll get it when he's ready. Just think of it this way. He probably won't be ten and still peeing in his pants.

Ivanhoe said...

Very cute post! I'll be pulling for you!

Becky L said...

This too shall pass...
Or something like that.
Though, I was insanely lucky with my daughter. Well, for a long time she just had no desire to use the potty. Then one day, she just decided "I'm gonna use the potty!" It was as simple as that.
I wish you luck!!!

Sarge Charlie said...

funny, big boy pants....

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

I am so thrilled for you. A two and a half year old boy potty training is a wonderful thing. The mediun age for males to potty train is three and a half! You ROCK!

Mom said...

We had the reverse problem with our son he loved to pee but not poop he finally came around and I am happy to be rid of the diapers.

Ingrid said...

This kind of pulling is far behind me, hehehe !!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

my son was much older! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Odat said...

aww..what a cute that to his first girlfriend! hehe.
Good luck!

Maria's Space said...

Awww...potty training is a beast.

Mo and The Purries said...

Get him a step-stool or a block of wood, so he can stand & pee, and aim into the toilet. Remind him that he's only allowed to stand & pee in a bathroom.
Put one square of TP floating in the bowl.
Tell him to aim the jet at the target and bomb it.
Congratulate him & reward him for destroying the target!
(This is how my grandfather taught me to stand & pee!)
Not only will it encourage him to pee in the toilet, but help his aim.
(and we all KNOW that men of all ages need help with their aim!!!)

Kim said...

Love the picture! I remember potty training my own boy.

Linda said...

Boy does this bring back memories of when my son was a lot younger! Oh the frustration of it all!

One of the people I work with is having a heck of a time with her daughter as she just refuses to learn and is almost four years old. Her Mom is pulling her hair out as she has to be trained for pre-school or she can't go. I don't miss those days at all!

maryt/theteach said...

Tish, I thought about doing pull-ups but you'd know more about them than I do! :) He's gonna hate you for posting that pic when he grows up...Ha!

Neila said...

Oh sister, I feel your pain!!! I have been working with Georgia consistently now for two weeks. I have to sing the whole time or she won't stay seated on the potty. (You should hear my original rendition of Row, Row, Row Your Boat!) And after all that, she has so far managed to pee on the potty exactly three times. *sob* I thought girls were supposed to be easier! WTF?!!

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Hes going to get you for that picture,one day....LOL.

Potty training is one part of my kids growing up that I absolutely DONT miss!!!

Good luck!!!