Wordless Wednesday - "Where can I get this?"
1. napaboaniya 2. maiylah 3. mharia 4. ellen b 5. Bubba\'s Sis 6. SandyCarlson 7. cheerio 8. Leonard 9. irish daisies 10. FRANCINE 11. Sanni | 12. MAGGIE AT COFFEESHOPMAFIA 13. Villager 14. Rach (Heart of Rachel) 15. star8278 16. Idaho Daily Photo 17. my blog 18. because life is fun 19. Write From Karen 20. Half Pint Pixie 21. mommy\'s little corner 22. a simple life | 23. Shabem 24. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls 25. The Mama Bear 26. My Life My World 27. Believer in Balance 28. maryt/the teach 29. Gabriel 30. Thea @ I\'m a Drama Mama 31. mags 32. Amy Shipp |
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32 comments, add yours here:
Whoever thought of it is ingenious!
But, whoever that's brave enough to wear it on her/his's head gotta have lotsa courage!!
great find! :D
hope you'll get well soon!
HAHAHA ... interesting concept!
not too sure I'd care to wear one, though. :)
happy WW!
Ha! What a great idea...
Hey, if it works....
Makes me think of the insurance company ad with the staff hooked up to coffee machines. Maybe they need this for the second half of the work day!
This is making me laugh.
Oh, what a great idea!!
Happy WW!
*achoo* Where can I buy it? Looks like the perfect solution right now...
Happy Wordless Wed.
Hope you are feeling better today.
Happy WW! Always prepared...
Have you seen the new shoes being worn by Barack Obama supporters? I share them in my WW meme today!
peace, Villager
A state of the art tissue carrier. Ha ha!
That cracks me up...I wonder if they come in child sizes too!
Nice gadget, I could use one today!
this is funny!
Clever!! Cheers Tish.
ROFL!!!! That is AWESOME!! I want one! And yes, I'd wear it!!
Write From Karen
Excellent... I really could have done with one of those last week!
Hehe, brilliant idea. I need to get one too, I have colds.
Thanks for dropping by.
Nice one! Happy WW.
Wow that's hilarious. Great finds!
Happy WW!
LOL - now that's a product that would come in quite handy! :)
I think we've all had days that would come in handy. Hilarious picture.
Hahahha i seen this photo before but it just cracks me up every time i see this. Thanks for sharing the laughs. Happy WW!
That's a handy contraption! I hope you feel better.
Great little idea if you can stand everybody laughing at you...Ha! Happy WW! :D
Tish, I'm tagging you for Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme. Remember Mimi has a dungeon she puts people in who don't do memes... :D Come and try it, it's fun!
Not playing today but wanted to comment. Bwahahahahahahaha. Did you post this one because your nose is running and you want this contraption? Bwahahahahahaha. Have a great day Tisha. Big hug. :)
Some of my co-workers should use this...
My post: Vrooom!.
Happy WW!
Seriously? How do people think of this stuff???
Tish, just wanted you to know, as far I"M concerned, you're off the hook for Mimi's Message in a Bottle Meme, but I don't know about Mimi...Ha!
Ha ha ha...poor Tisha. Feel better soon baby!
It is nice that even tho you're ill, you have a sense of humor!♥
Bronson's Eagle
Happy WW to you :D
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