Saturday, February 09, 2008

Oh what a night!

Yesterday when I got off work, I met a family member who was taking Tyler for the weekend. They had plans to go to the horse sale which Tyler loves. Shelby and I were headed to see my brother, his wife, and their new baby. I didn't get to hold Reagan the day she was born, so I thought I'd go get my turn since the visitation had died down a bit. I was going to take the new parents some dinner. Shelby and I were in line at one of those drive throughs that you can not get out of until after you place your order when I received a phone call from my sister. She informed me that she was headed to the hospital. I joyfully announced that I was headed there myself, in fact I was almost there. I could then hear the panic and fear in her voice. It turns out that she and my mom were headed there due to a frantic call they had gotten from my little sister. She said that her middle son, 17 month old Dominique, got "choked" and they had him in an ambulance headed to the hospital. At this point in the conversation with my sister, they had no idea of the current medical condition of this child. I deeply swallowed and asked her, "Is he alive?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt a lump in my throat. Shelby was in the back seat asking, "Mommy, what's wrong?!" I was trying to keep my calm because I could tell that my sister was very panicked and I didn't want to upset my daughter at this point. My sister told me that all they would say was that they were on their way to the hospital. They were both frantic and she couldn't get anything out of them. I told my sister that I would get out of line at the restaurant as quickly as I could. While I sat there behind the person making their decision at the loud speaker as to which value meal they wanted I thought to myself that my sister was at the hospital and I didn't know whether or not her baby boy was dead or alive. Those minutes I waited behind this person to pull up so that I could get out of line seemed like hours. I was about three minutes from the hospital at this point. I informed Shelby that Dominique was on his way in an ambulance to the hospital so we needed to go there quickly. We would come back later and get something to eat. She didn't ask any more questions and I tried to drive quickly but cautiously to the hospital all the while thoughts were running through my head. They weren't good thoughts either. Theresa is my sister who just had a baby boy a few weeks ago. They've discovered that he has some sort of a thyroid problem so she's been very worried and stressed about all of this already and now to deal with this. I just couldn't keep myself from worrying about her. As we entered the Emergency Room I spotted her in a small room giving vital information to a woman behind a desk. Beside her stood my brother, her twin (who was already at the hospital due to the birth of his baby the day before). I began to ask questions and he was trying to usher me out of the room. This made me a bit frustrated, but later he told me that he was afraid that I was going to upset her again. My main concern was is this baby alive?! When I found out he was, I quickly dialed my sister who was so relieved and I could hear the sigh followed by hysterical cries of my mother in the vehicle with her when she blurted out to her that he was okay. After a few hours of waiting and several viles of blood and chest X-rays later it turns out that he was not choked at all, rather he had a febrile seizure. These fevers are caused by high fevers, commonly over 102°. Symptoms of these types of seizures include breathing heavily, drooling, turning blue, rolling back his eyes, or shaking arms and legs uncontrollably. This is exactly what my sister had informed us that her son was doing in the back seat of her car as she went to unload him at her mother in law's house. I can only imagine the fear that my sister experienced and I could not wish that on anyone! Thank goodness the little guy is better now. He does have the flu, so hopefully he'll get over it quickly and it won't spread to the other children.

As for the new baby, Reagan I did get to hold her. She is a sweet heart. She has a very whimpy cry, though. I told her that she was going to have to work on that one. But, I'm assuming that since she's only 4lbs 12oz her little tiny voice will catch up with her eventually. For now, she has very proud parents, grandparents, uncles, and for sure one very proud aunt! I love her to pieces already and I can't wait to spoil this beautiful little girl!!! :)

9 comments, add yours here:

Maggie Moo said...

OMG Tisha-I'm so sorry that the little guy (and his big aunts/uncles) had to go through that. I'm glad that he's ok though-wow...

Linda said...

I have taken panicky calls from parents on 911 many times for febrile seizures so I can certainly imagine the terror your sister felt as I've heard it many times in others' voices. I can only imagine how horrible it is to watch your child go through something like that.

So glad to hear that everything is okay and that you got to hold your brand new niece. I'm sure she'll work on that cry and make her auntie proud in no time at all!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh honey i am so glad he is okay. what a horrible scare for all of you. hope all is well and calm for your sake now...

smiles, bee

That girl said...

I was trying to read this post as fast as I could to get to the part where you told us that he's still alive.

As a parent, there can be no worse feeling as watching helplessly as your child is seriously sick.

My good thoughts to you.

Shelby said...

I was tryin' to read it fast too..glad he's ALIVE!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that he's alive and that he will be okay! What a scare!!

My daughter was the same size as your little peanut when she was born and when she cried, she sounded like a little lamb. She never did cry very loud. I remember wearing her in a snuggly in a crowd and not hearing her cry.

Sandee said...

Yikes, you scared me half to death Tisha. I was on the edge of my seat here. I'm so glad things worked out okay. I hope the little guy gets better soon. What a scare. I too am glad that you finally got to hold Reagan (love that name). Spoiling little girls is just tons of fun. Have a great day. :)

girlymom said...

Oh~ I am so glad that everyone is ok, how incredibly nerve wracking! I hope everyone can rest and recover.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Oh my goodness!!Thank God he is okay!!Praying full recovery comes his way!!