Monday, February 11, 2008

Conversations with Tyler

Tyler: Mommy, Where's that baby?

Me: It's still in my belly.

Tyler: Get him out.

Me: He's not ready to get out right now.

Tyler: But, I want to play with him.

You'll have to wait a while before you can play. Besides, how do you know it's a boy. It might be a baby sister.

Tyler: Nope, I don't want a baby sister. I want a baby Tyler.

Me: *sigh* (thinking) That's what I'm afraid of.

8 comments, add yours here:

Sandee said...

Oh my. Kids are just so precious. I think this is really cute. Have a great day Tisha. :)

Akelamalu said...

You'd better have a boy!!! LOL

girlymom said...

My oldest thought without a doubt that I was having a boy. What we had another girl, she was happy, but upset with herself for being wrong. She got over it quickly! :)

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh, I'm still convinced it's twins: ONE of EACH!

Heart of Rachel said...

Tyler is so amusing. I'm sure he's thrilled to have a baby brother.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i just love these posts!!! so sweet.

smiles, bee

Kristin said...

That is adorable!

Charles Gramlich said...

Lol. Congrats on your Rising Blogger award. This brings me back to whem my boy was small. He's 20 now, though. Wow.