Friday, January 11, 2008


It's just almost too sad to turn on the television anymore. It seems like everywhere you turn someone is going into drug rehabilitation. It's bad enough that these celebrities are having to do so, but for them to do so in the public eye makes matters even worse, I'm sure. I feel really sorry for these young girls who have their names in the headlines every day because they've messed up again. I can only hope that I've armed my daughter with the skills to make the right choices in her life when the time comes that these issues pop up in her own life. That's a whole other level of stress, though isn't it?

3 comments, add yours here:

girlymom said...

I don't care to hear about these girls and their problems anymore. I really truly feel sorry for them, they don't have a realistic lifestyle and that's a shame. I turn the news off because I can't stand listening to all the bad things that happen- way too many people harming children, crazy crazy things- I don't want my children listening to that either. I don't like when the news people get into people's after a death and then does that make you feel, zoom in on the tears...duh, how do you think they feel?

Maggie Moo said...

I feel sorry for them too, but what I think is even more sad is that people actually LIKE seeing them go crazy or's a shame that we can't see past stardom and realize that these are actually people.

Fratzels said...

I have gone past the point of thinking bad things about them to realizing that they really do have serious problems. It's unfortunate that the press pays so much attention to it; I find myself wondering if they would act the same way if there wasn't this huge burden of pressure to live up to the hype we have created around them.
I also feel sorry for the young girls that used to or currently do idolize them.