Wordless Wednesday

1. Blog That Mommy! 2. Lori 3. WorksForMom 4. MomOnTheGo (cookies) 5. SandyCarlson 6. mom of one curly-haired \'lil girl\'s trip to jogja 7. Gattina 8. Bubba\'s Sis 9. Parenting Diaries 10. babyamore 11. Amazing Gracie | 12. Not Afraid To Use It 13. jams o donnell 14. **MAGGIE AT COFFEESHOPMAFIA 15. SargeCharlie 16. Matt-Man 17. jillian 18. Secret Agent Mama 19. Thea @ I\'m a Drama Mama 20. La Bellina Mammina 21. Comedy Plus 22. purrchance to dream | 23. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls 24. Believer in Balance 25. MamaDB 26. It\'s a WAHM Life 27. lutchi 28. Jantrails 29. Jantics 30. MamaGirl 31. Sreisaat 32. Mama Grizzly |
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30 comments, add yours here:
Yay! I'm first!
Love the pic. And it still makes me hungry for ice cream. Is that wrong?
I love it!! lol....70 degrees?? In Arkansas?? Wow...I thought you guys always got the freezing weather. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by. Its great to hear from you:)
Oh that was hilarious. I loved it! And it doesn't even deter me from wanting one RIGHT NOW! :)
It's been snowing here for hours. I can't understand the desire for ice cream but the pic made me smile.
Aha! Now I know where it comes from.
Thanks for the laugh.
Lol, I had the same picture last week ! What about an icecream together ??
What about the topping? I'd love chocolate or strawberry...
That's horrible! And I don't even like ice cream - especially not vanilla. (Exceptions are made for chocolate...)
Happy WW :-)
Too funny - I'll never look at soft-serve ice cream the same again. I don't even want to think about chocolate topping - ew!
Hilarious - seen two of these today now but I love it.
I might pass on the ice-cream too.
I saw this earlier and nearly choked laughing. In fact, I just sent it out to a bunch of e-mail buddies!
Okay, that took me a minute, but that that was the BEST laugh I had all night!! Thanks for sharing! Happy WW!
Good one! Now I know why I ws never fond of those whippy cones! Happy WW
I'm speechless Trisha. LOL. That is sooo wrong. LOL. very good made my mornng.
Happy Wordless Wednesday.
maggie at http://maggie.coffeeshopmafia.com
too funny!
smiles, bee
dairy queen, oh no
I like it!! Cheers!!
OMG, that's hilarious!!
I will never look at soft serve the same again...
LOL! What happens if I want chocolate flavored ones?
That's just so wrong in so many ways Tisha. Bwahahahahah. My kind of humor though. Have a great WW. :)
How do you think they do the zebra cones, where it's half chocolate & half vanilla????
Tisha... that is oh so wrong in every way.
I was eating ice cream too... not anymore... ;-)
Oh that is just too funny. And not. It still makes me want ice cream though! :)
Happy WW!
That makes perfect sense!
I was going to say something about the chocolate versions, but I see other people have already stolen my joke. :)
Good post!
Oh boy that's a good one!
Aw, damn and I loved vanilla. I hate to see where chocolate comes from! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! :o)~
Oops! Now we know the story behind ice cream making - and that's just the ice cream. How about the toppings - I'd hate to know where toppings come from! :)
VERY cute!!!
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