Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saturay Photo Hunt - Long

My 41st
This Week's Theme: Looooooooong
SPH Headquarters ~ The Other 40

Shelby not only has LONG hair, but she also takes a LONG time to fix it every day. Yes, my friends my five year old daughter does her own hair in the mornings. She also choses her own clothes. I gave up fighting with her every morning. It was just no use anymore. She does pretty well. She actually fixed her hair in this photo. I took it right before she headed out to school. She was proud that she made it look just like her favorite teacher, Ms Heather.
Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt Participants
1. Nicole
2. Friday\'s Child
3. jesie
4. Lynn
5. jmb
6. Gattina
7. monaco
8. eastcoastlife
9. kissedalotatoads
10. jams o donnell
11. Natalie
12. kljs
13. Matt-Man
14. SargeCharlie
15. Rach (Heart of Rachel)
16. Pastormac\'s Ann
17. katherine.
18. liza
19. SnoopyTheGoon

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23 comments, add yours here:

Nicole Pelton said...

What a pretty girl. I loved butterflies was I was little.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

she is beautiful inside and out!

smiles, bee


Shelby is one adorable and beautiful little girl who I'm sure will grow up to be one beautiful lady someday. I guess when someone has long hair, it will take that someone ages in fixing it.

JesieBlogJourney said...

Girls like to keep long hair and take a long time to groom because they want to look beautiful. I don't blame her.

Mine is up.

Happy photo hunting.

Lynn said...

Kids these days sure know what they want. Great smile of Shelby. :)

jmb said...

What can you do? Just go with the flow. She has a lovely smile and will be a heartbreaker. Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

Be happy that's one work less, lol ! and she seems to do it very well !

Ramon Jose said...

that photo of shelby, with her long hair on her shoulders is very appropriate for this week's theme. cute smile too.

eastcoastlife said...

I had long hair when I was a kid and I tied or braided them before going to school every morning.

When I started working, I kept my hair short for easy maintenance. Now I'm back to long hair.

Anonymous said...

She did a darn good job of it too! She's gorgeous! Have a good weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Great shot. Your daughter has hair to be proud of. Have a happy weekend

Natalie said...

What a cutie!

My LONG picture is up too! :)

kljs said...

Cute girl with long hair. Nice!

Sarge Charlie said...

I say she is too cute

Heart of Rachel said...

Shelby has beautiful hair. I'm impressed that she already knows how to fix her own hair and choose the clothes to wear.

PastormacsAnn said...

She does a great job with that long beautiful hair! I bet you could stare at that darling smile for a long time too.

Lovely choice for The Hunt.

Mommy Lutchi said...

gorgeous long hair and she is lovely too, thanks for sharing.

Mine is up.

Mommy Lutchi said...

gorgeous long hair and she is lovely too, thanks for sharing.

Mine is up.

katherine. said...

she's a sweetie for sure...but let me warn you...pretty soon she just may start making "suggestions" on what you and her Daddy wear....then she may start in "you're not gonna wear THAT are you Mommy?"

Queen of My Domain said...

What a pretty little girl. You have to love having an indepentant one!

**"Liza"** said...

awww shes such a sweet her sweet smile! mine is up too

Patricia said...

Tish, she is just too precious! It is probably a good thing that she wants to brush her long hair by herself. I remember those days! Hope your weekend has long in delights. Blessings, dear friend.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Shelby is a doll, and shows all signs of a future heartbreaker ;-)