Monday, November 26, 2007

Manic Monday - Rank

This Week's Theme: Rank
As most of you already know, I have quite the song writer of a daughter. She can neither read or write (anything other than her own name) but, she considers herself a songwriter none the less! Tonight she had created quite the masterpiece. She has a toy with a microphone that does a few minutes worth of recording and she brought it to me tonight and she had a song about me! She was so excited that she had an entire song devoted to her mommy. It was quite a catchy song, but my favorite lines in the dedicated piece of work were:
I love my momma 'cause she's so adorable.
I love my momma 'cause she's not horrible!
Now, that my friends Ranks right up there as a number one hit in my book! It doesn't get any better than that does it? Seriously, your children telling you that you're adorable and NOT horrible all in the same breath! I only home in ten years she's still singing this same tune!

20 comments, add yours here:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ha ha ha, that IS adorable, but honey don't count on the ten year thingy!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

See, she knows momma is adorable and not horrible. She's a cutie and smart too. Yep, that ranks right up there in my book too. :)

Durward Discussion said...

There's is nothing that can make you feel more beautiful than the love in your baby's eyes.

Anonymous said...

Nice Monday post! I don't feel my Monday post is up to par for some reason, but oh well. Please come by and read my blog, let me know what you think! Have a great week!

katherine. said...

that is a number one rank!

record it so you can play it back later on....

Scribbit said...

Too funny! I know who's adorable all right!

RW said...

lol nice RANK Tish! Hey I have a holiday ornament for you here Idaho Daily Photo

Shelia said...

That is too cute, it does indeed rank high...and a top 40 hit too!! happy MM!

Ingrid said...

Don't want to be negative, but in 10 years she probably will think different ! That's the age when mothers become horrible, lol !

Linda said...

That's just the cutest thing ever! You really do rank in the best way that counts!

Becca said...

She is a great artist!! :)

maryt/theteach said...

You're such a lucky mommy! :)

Come visit me at Work of the Poet.

Unknown said...

Hotep! Great MM post. Being 'not horrible' is quite an accomplishment when compared to the way that some kids feel about their parents...

My MM:Rank post goes back to a military theme, however, I continue to provide African American history insights as part of this weekly meme. I hope you enjoy it.

Sarge Charlie said...

and then they grow up, smile

Anonymous said...

I love you because you aren't horrible, too.

How cute is THAT?

Maggie Moo said...

I think you're going to have an American Idol on your hands. ;)

John Holland said...

Now that's a classic song.

Anonymous said...

ooh, how adorable!! And yes, we have tried the white fudge oreos!! snag them up while you can!!! Have a great Monday.

Desert Songbird said...

That Shelby - she's one smart cookie!

Travis Cody said...

That's great!

Happy MM!