Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My 36th
Previously Speechless ~ WW Headquarters

Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. And Miles To Go...
2. Barbara H.
3. Imma (Alice)
4. Reba
5. Amazing Gracie
6. mharia
7. Shelby
8. digiMom
9. Alexis
10. Sonny
11. Hootin\' Anni
12. Maggie
13. Rachelle G.
14. empress bee (of the high sea)
15. Get Your Blog On!
16. Aline de Chevigny
17. Gattina
18. Bubba\'s Sis
19. SargeCharlie
20. Matt-Man
21. suzy
22. mags
23. La Bellina Mammina
24. Comedy Plus
25. The House of Chaos
26. Believer in Balance
27. Siani
28. Shaz@UsDanes
29. katherine.
30. Thea @ I\'m a Drama Mama
31. zamejias [verb]
32. Andrée

Check out the new Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

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35 comments, add yours here:

Crazy Working Mom said...

These were a couple of images from hubby's deer camera. I've got lots of cool images of turkeys, coon, and LOTS of deer! I love this thing. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, very cool. A deer camera? Is that special for capturing deer? We actually see deer here in the mountains of Arizona. A great WW, Tish.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Tisha. Perfect for Wordless Wednesday.

I've got an 'odd' question for you. Where is this week's Wordless Wednesday list??? I can only find last weeks. My post & Reba's have both been up for over an hour but I can't post them as up cuz I can't find where.... grrrrr.

Amazing Gracie said...

Poor Bambi's mommy...

Anonymous said...

wow ... that's so cool!
happy WW

Shelby said...


Anonymous said...

Wildlife photos are cool!

Alexis Jacobs said...

How cool is that? :) Happy ww.

Sonny said...

That's really nice. I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

My WW is up, too. Please stop by if you like to.

Hugs and happy WW,
Sweet like Kitty

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...neat camera! To be able to get the photos like this, at night/early morning!!! Way cool. [can't wait to see the raccoons!]

My W W is a flower, drop by if you can.

Rachelle said...

A deer camera is a fantastic idea! Great shots.

Anonymous said...

Cool. Did it come up your back yard?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

a deer camera? they have those? omh i hope they don't have a butt camera now... sigh.

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

I love deer! So cute, so gentle, so peaceful...kill it! (Just kidding)

Aline de Chevigny said...

Wow she's a pretty one.


Ingrid said...

It looks like if the leaves where not good enough to eat, lol!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Please tell me you didn't kill it.

Sarge Charlie said...

that is too funny

Schmoop said...

Looks Delicious!! Cheers...

Maggie Moo said...

Is this a camera that is posted up even when you aren't there? To watch what happens in your yard? I don't get it, but whatever it is exactly, it's way cool!

Happy WW!

Suzy said...

that's a clever shot!...neat to see what goes on in the dark!

Unknown said...

I didn´t play this week, because I can´t be wordless today.

Congrats to the Egel Nest Award for Blogging Excellence, girlfriend! =)

Pretty cool WW, b.t.w. Where were the pictures taken?

la bellina mammina said...

Super cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow... Deer up close. Those are great.

Sandee said...

What a cool post for WW. I love it. You don't see these kind of shots very often. Have a great WW. :)

Babeth said...

yummy, lunch passing...

Happy WW !! We had to settle for berries and a wandering kitty... here.

Believer in Balance said...

Was that by your house?

Siani said...

Great shots - I've often thought about installing a camera in my garden, to see what turns up. Happy WW!

Shaz said...

Excellent pics. It must be nice to get so close to wild life x xx

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

I can't believe how close that is! Too cool.

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

That is a first time I've ever seen a deer camera? Is this just something exclusive to Arkansas??? ;-)


Tawnya Shields said...

What was that crazy deer doing? I feel so sorry this time of year for the animals.

ZAM said...

It's too early for Rudolph to show his head. But your hubby's lucky! Lol.

But really, he's lucky to capture a moment with the deer.

Andree said...

I read how he took the photos and I love it. How does he keep the camera and lens dry? My nephews did this, too.