Sunday, October 07, 2007

Parenting Tips

Unfortunately children don't come with a user's manual. Parenting is by far one of the toughest jobs that one will ever have the pleasure of enduring. But, in my humble opinion it is well worth all of the headaches, heartaches, and hassles. To see my children smile, laugh, and enjoy life is one of the greatest fulfillments there is in this world! It is nice, however to be able to get a little bit of helpful advice from time to time from other parents. David over at Chores & Allowances has a really good blog chalked full of advice for any and every parent. He has links to printable chore charts, online games for kids and LOTS of great parenting tips. If you're a parent, I'd go check it out. I'm linking him right now AND adding this blog to my reader!

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